
"SOLVED" - Packs for watching ads removed from the store? (Solution: Problems in Europe)

Anyone else found the packs you can get in return for watching an ad removed from the store? I wonder how to get the daily goal to watch 3 ads done lol

I was in Europe this summer - worked in Spain but not in France (or maybe reverse). Not sure if it was individual country regulations or what. Definitely not at the EU level though. Was certainly frustrating not to be able to complete daily goals. . . Wish I could be of more help other than to say keep trying - particularly if you change change borders or even regions within a single country.


Are you in Europe? I’ve heard some of the old world folks have lost ads today.


Yeah from Germany. You think they gonna come back?


They’re still there for me, try force closing.


I tried force close and even delete and reinstall app. Still not there... Do you use Apple or Android?


Apple, are you international?


Yes from Germany. You think that's why? So far it always worked


Yes, been issues with international people not getting ads for years. I know Germany had no problems with them, had a leaguemate that lived there but that was a long time ago.


Thank you!