I won't foil MF players for only +3 OVR. Just using MC to build the player I want and use weight to boost whole team.
The best MC packs in the game are the Step Up packs that we got in MF International. The 500 and 1000 MC packs are the best price for an Epic that they offer, plus the Iconic chance. The third pack is about on par with the value of the daily 250 MC refill, which isn't bad. After that, AKA was 8k MC for a random Iconic and we may see those again at the end of the month. There's nothing in MF yet that is on par with these offers, so your best bet is to wait for a bit and see what comes.
How much MC are the Step Up 3 4 and 5 packs? I'd consider to go for them, though all three positions aren't really a need for me
1500/2500/3500 mc, I would stop at 1500 after that there is no value and a waste of mc. Wait until Halloween to spend mc.
Point is if I start buying the first 3, odds are I’ll have 3 epics that I have no use for. To make them a useful iconic, I'd need 2 more epics, so pack 4 and 5 as well. It's kind of an all or nothing thing to buy them or not.
From your experience of former seasons, will we be able to buy Mythics for a reasonable amount of MC at some point later?
Edited by FCAlex07
I wouldn’t buy now anyways, just saying for future reference. What Jawa said about the Mythics.
Yeah, don’t buy MFI Step Ups now if you can’t build anything with them. Wait for the next Step Ups. We have no experience with Mythics from former seasons since they are brand new. No way to know what EA will do price-wise. But last year’s end game cards were pretty easy to get.
So I saved up all my MC, I have 41k now plus another 10k to come with the S2 journey (will wait until the last day, so I need as few weights as possible).
I heard everyone say that MF is usually the best value to use MC. But I feel like this promo isn't really better than the last ones. Is there another MF promo yet to come that's gonna be better? Or is the clown really that good to make it worth going for him?