
Promo Stamina: Great Idea or Terrible Idea? (Edited with my revised thoughts 2-24-20)

Ok, let's hear it, What does everyone think?

My 2-cents: This is not good. I am questioning why I spent the past months grinding to gain levels that raise my stamina. What was the point if i cant use it to grind promos?

It feels like i put in all that time & effort only to be told that it doesn't matter. That anyone who started the game today gets the same thing I do.

This is making zero sense to me and right now I'm actually really pissed off. BUT, I am containing myself in am effort to get opinions from others, as I have jumped to wrong conclusions before.

Someone tell me this is good, please, before I just delete this whole game off my phone.


EDIT 2-24-20, ~10am est

OK, after hearing from all of you and from Messina (Who continues to do a great job communicating with us) I have my revised thoughts:

I like the concept but the execution is lacking, I'm also no longer really pissed, just annoyed. Specifically in that this puts everyone on a level playing field, based on base TS stamina and not store bought additions. I do understand that people who have been playing the game longer and have built up gem stores will be able to buy more TS stamina than newer players.

My one and only issue is the same as it was: I did all this grinding for what? To end up with the same amount of stamina as people at level 10? The reasoning from EA is that they wanted us to be able to spend our regular stamina on the other things, like UL and....what else? What other things are out there that are still relevant that require our regular stamina? Really, the only reason UL requires so much stamina is the abysmal drop rate of Banners.

I worked to get my stamina up for one reason only; to be able to grind the f**k out of promos, so I could get as many great players for my team as possible. This whole game revolves around the promos, they are where we get the majority of our best players. To say they want us to be able to use our regular stamina elsewhere is counter to what we all raised our stamina for. We raised our stamina to grind monthly promos, not play weekly promos.

I have two possible solutions; One, simply revert back to using regular stamina, and get rid of TS stamina. Two, award extra TS stamina with the amount based on your level. So Level 1-10 would get zero, 11-20 gets an extra 20, and so on.

TLDR: Promos specific stamina negates all the grinding we've done to raise stamina. The whole purpose of which was to have more stamina to grind the main promos, not the side quests.

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