I checked and didnt have an update, should I uninstall and reinstall? Thanks
If you’re using Apple, search for Madden
android, checked the play store and options were uninstall or play
If all your apps are up to date, there should be a clickable link that says See Recent Updates. If you see Madden within the last 48-72 hours then it was auto updated in the background. If you don't see Madden, then open the Google Play Store settings and select Clear Storage. Then restart and try updating again.
I just did the update, but do not know how to check to see if the plays boost are fix.
Looks like Draft Champions this weekend?
any word on the fix for the ovr boost from plays boost the opp def, not the own off?
EA is investigating why some users are still having UI issues, can’t buy stamina, open certain packs, etc.
No more videos for daily coins and players? Only see Snickers video.
Everyone, if you are experiencing weird issues with Open Later, go back to the CMC Journey 1!
Draft Champions will go live on 12/6 at 10:30am EST.— The goals you see will be active until 12/6 at 10:30am EST.— The reward for completing the goals results in getting bonus rounds at the end of the initial draft, otherwise those rounds will cost MC.— Draft Champions is similar to Unlimited Arena Tourney play but all teams are based on the team you draft. It will end on 12/9.— There will also be some completely new players available in the draft.
how often are the tournaments
Any hint when the second rwo minutes drill come out
We got the make good..2k TP and 100 league tokens smh
The weekly LvL requirement for this week was lowered from 12 drives to 9 drives due to the technical issues on Saturday. Make goods for lost rewards are still being discussed.
Due to technical issues, there will not be a LvL match today. Tomorrow’s match should start at the correct time. EA will discuss the proper make goods in the next few days.
Edited by ATL21
EA is investigating LvL not starting on time
There’s an app update
Will update when I can.