All of the below come with "and Silver player" "and 80 TP" or "and Gold player" Seems random.
If Bold, have at least three reported. First one listed seems to be most common.
Gold+ OR Lucky Coins
Lucky Coins
Elite+ or Horseshoes OR Lucky Coins
Key OR Rainbow OR Horseshoes
Horseshoes OR Gold+
Rainbows OR Elite+ and Gold+ OR Gold+
Horseshoes OR Gold+
Gold+ OR Rainbows OR Elite+ and Gold+ OT Lucky Coins
Key OR Lucky Coins OR Gold+ and Elite+ OR Rainbows
SB Badge (open five others to unlock)
What did you get? Share here or other thread.
All of the below come with "and Silver player" "and 80 TP" or "and Gold player" Seems random.
If Bold, have at least three reported. First one listed seems to be most common.
Gold+ Gold+ Gold+ OR Lucky Coins Lucky Coins Elite+ or Horseshoes OR Lucky Coins Key OR Rainbow OR Horseshoes Horseshoes OR Gold+ Rainbows OR Elite+ and Gold+ OR Gold+ Gold+ Horseshoes OR Gold+ Gold+ OR Rainbows OR Elite+ and Gold+ OT Lucky Coins Key OR Lucky Coins OR Gold+ and Elite+ OR Rainbows SB Badge (open five others to unlock)