
Stat Reducers or boosts in general

Anyone have any Idea if these things work? I grabbed the DB stat reducer from Tomorrows Stars promo and leveled it to max level. In the time that I have had this reducer in my number of picks per match has increased dramatically. Safeties playing in zone defense or blazing half way across the field to pick passes like I have never seen before. I honestly have questioned the effectiveness of these boosts since inception. Nick at one time quietly mentioned that an issue with boosts being applied to your opponent was being addressed in an update. Did this get fixed?


What confuses me is that I play in Championship and LvL and sometimes see Diamond DBs and LBs with 88 Ovr or I'll see a card that is supposed to be a 94 appear as a 91 even though I don't use any reduces other than the WR one.

Does my Power advantage lower their Ovr instead of boosting my own now? Because it didn't use to be that way.


In LvL I can tell when my HB has been nerfed, it is like he is running through treacle.

Harder to tell on other positions.

I personally think they don't belong in game. If you cant build your team to be good, then that's on the person. To have stat reducers that diminish another team being the only way you can win, is just pathetic. Play straight up or don't play.


Are you saying your boost screen is empty? My guess is it is not empty I'll stop there.


I think he's referring to the difference between a boost and a reducer. I can hear the argument. I don't like the idea that my team is being stripped of stats that I worked hard to boost, especially when I cannot even see what is being reduced. I like the straight boosters, but the reducers... I mean I use them whenever we're the underdog in LvL, but otherwise, I like just boosting.


Assuming they actually work, it would be really great if we knew the order of application. For example, are stat reducers applied AFTER boosters, or vice versa? That would make the difference between being awesome and being totally worthless.


gotta go after every edge we can, even mental ones. honestly, I wish my opponents could see my boosts just in the hopes of intimidating them! lol I have the SFO boost maxed (with 6 Niners on defense), the Coverage boost maxed (giving MLB/S/CB +2 spd), the GoM boost maxed (with all the GoM defenders), soon I'll have the secondary boost giving another +2 Spd. I want dudes to be afraid to throw deep. lol


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It's definitely a situation where you don't know if they're truly working but you can't not put them in because you don't know if they're truly working.

I'll err on the safe side and put them in...


any and all boosts are difficult to truly tell if they are being applied in game. Sure, the stats may be inflated on the visual side, but do we actually know how they impact the game? No. None of us see the code as we are playing to know how boosts are applied. Any answer is pure speculation at this point.


I've wondered this myself. It seems like they do make a difference, but I do not know if that is a mental trick since I expect that they do make a difference.