
PSA: Combine Promo Strategy

Its a pretty straightforward promo so relatively easy to create a small guide:

1. Obvious one: Make sure to clear the checklist every day

2. Play the top 3 events as often as possible. The rewards are way better compared to the bottom events (6 banners for 25 stamina compared to 1 or 2 for 20 stamina after first wins).

3. Rest of the promo stamina should be spend on the event of the prioritized player. Make sure to manually add the specific banners as the auto fill wont work here.

4. Playing the madden today TS event as often as possible with your normal stamina helps a lot.

5. 1x 90+ set is better than 7x 85+ sets and 1x 85+ set is better than 7x 80+ sets.

6. Now comes the tricky part: Where to spend your earned gems on (if you are willing to spend them for the promo). If you have normal stamina left first of all replay the 5x TS event as often as possible, so spend some of those gems for the 100 gem unlock. Other than that i will compare 2x 125 promo stamina against the banner / player pack, both for 1000 gems:

  • 2x 125 gems: As you are able to play all the top events without a refill I will calculate the extra stamina for the bottom events. 250 stamina means 12 replays of any bottom event. If we factor 1.5 banners per win (not sure about that honestly) you will have 18 banners (of your choice).
  • Banner / Player Pack: You will get 5 random banners, four 80+ and two 85+. If you build those players using banners instead you would need 20 banners to do so. So in theory the value is 25 banners.

The conclusion of this should be the pack is better than stamina refills. But the answer isn't that simple. If you only need 90+ players 18 specific banners are more than 50% of one 90+ player for 1000 gems. 5 random banners (5/30 of 90+ or 5/6 of 85+ with perfect pulls), four 80+ (4/7 of another 85+) and those two 85+ are at best close to 50% of a 90+. It doesn't seem to be possible to pull a 90+ out of this packs according to the odds but I may be wrong here. I would say there is no clear better choice. It depends a bit what your needs are. The stamina refill at least guarantees you the specific banners you need (important for the 90+ set) but with bad luck you only pull 12 banners. If you need 85+ players the pack is probably the better choice.

General advise if you are after the 99 Grand Masters (especially if you have some coin stash):
Just gather as many badges as possible and wait for the release. No exchanging for players only gather players through the TS event. Leaves you all options as you can still buy players of the AH but no badges (thats why you don't "waste" badges in the player sets till this point). Messina mentioned something about only needing two Masters to unlock the grandmaster set (not confirmed tho). Ingame it says: "Additional Grandmasters can be earned by exchanging 90+ TS players and Combine badges". So maybe you only need two masters and a bunch of resources to complete one. Whatever the set and requirement will look like, again: Saving all your badges to that day leaves you with all possible options.

How many masters are possible is difficult to answer as you need to consider too many factors (gems spend / coins spend / stamina spend on the TS event / pull luck). If you play this promo without spending any currencies outside of the promo stamina I would say 1 master is still possible without a problem. If you manage to play the top event very often and spam the TS event I think 3 masters are possible with some gem and coin investment. Thats no real calculation, just an assumption.

Have fun grinding :)

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