Posted by MaddenPimp MaddenPimp6 years ago

Goodbye, goodnight and most importantly, *thank you*

So, not quite an OG, I joined the original season 1/2 way through before being recruited into a league . This game has been a ton of fun, a huge time and money drain (in previous seasons), and a great way to connect with people I have (almost, in most cases) no earthly idea who they really are. Still, I consider many of them to be Madden friends for life.

I'm dropping the Madden mic today. I really appreciate EA and the Game Changers' excellent engagement this season. For me, the promos (with the exception of UF and a few other turds) have been some of the best, this season. Those have been highlights this season. However, the terrible gameplay/animations, Overdrive, and degrading execution have sucked the fun out of playing Madden Mobile anymore. I realized that I was only grinding hard and playing with the hope that waiting for next season would bring back some of the old magic. I realized the complexities of fixing the gameplay issues in particular could not happen mid-season but it's just not worth it to keep playing hard with only a hope that EA truly understands how messed up the gameplay is (at least to me) and will actually address it (well) in August.

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