
reason why TOTY Wagner and GOM Butkus is better than cj mosley.

first lets start off with offensive stats mosley wagner spd 90    94 str 92    90 acc 94    94 awr 97    92 cth 84    80 jmp 78    94 cit 90     41 spc 93    41 agi 86    88 if you take those stats at face value u would assume it's a toss up because of mosley catching stats and you're wrong and this is why. wagner has a 94 speed 94 acc which allows him to get to where he need to go in a hurry, agility is what make you change direction smoothly wagner agility is low at 88 but atleast his agility can be boosted with toty player, mosley agility is 86 and can be boosted yet which maybe an liability because when you're opponent is running the ball they can easily swerve around mosley and mosley doesn't have any speed to make uo for that atleast wagner does.. only thing about mosley offensively that makes this a toss up to most people is mosleys catching stats. mostly has 93 spec and 90 cit compared to wagner 41 in each respective stat but I feel like since his jumping is only 78 he wont be going up and snagging any picks and high ranked lvl and OD doesn't throw into coverage. bobby wagner has 94 jumping so if anything he's going to go up and bat the ball down but if u throw directly at him he's going to pick it off just like mostly... and I don't care too much about awareness because theres quality players out right now that give awareness boost like kelvin beechum and chris boswell

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