
It's a great 8 hours to be Smash Mouth!!!!

GL to the other 99% of yall :D


GL to the other 99% of yall :D


Tomorrow is a new day!  Spread scheme coming for ya.  Oh wait nvm I used all my 30 k coin keys for the week......kill me now.


Btw thank you everyone who complained now I dont have to play at a disadvantage with the other schemes for the rest ofthe tourneys which made today probably the only day in history its a plus to be Smash Mouth over anything else.


Quote from nothingfinerthana49er >> Congrats to Smashmouth users. It’s by far my worst scheme, so I’ll be sitting this one out for my own sanity.

 Yup. SM playback is trash.


A Smashmouth dream. Can’t seem to lose :)

Congrats to Smashmouth users. It’s by far my worst scheme, so I’ll be sitting this one out for my own sanity.


Quote from schlumpf1977 >> I got a win against legend, took like 3,000 screenshots and call it a day.

it doesn’t get better than this.

 Which Legend? 🤔


Three keys, two wins. I like the format.


Won 4 tourneys in a row and 20 and 2 for 6 keys but losing the last 2 still makes me want to throw my phone lmaoooo 

Will wipe away my tears by selling K Gano

Edit: spent 200 mc to win #5. Cant be leaving on an angry note


Hope the run was good while it lasted! ha


Quote from BusterCherry33 >> I’m a smash mouth user but I think they could match people a little bit better. 1600 facing 2500 course I am going to loose when the d line is blowing thru 99 and 100 lineman and cbs jumping every route.

 Yea. I finally advanced round 1 against a 2800+ power after being fucced the previous 3 and guess what: I get taken out by another one anyway lol


I’m a smash mouth user but I think they could match people a little bit better. 1600 facing 2500 course I am going to loose when the d line is blowing thru 99 and 100 lineman and cbs jumping every route.


Damn smashmouth was hard!😂 6 trys and 2 times champion. 2 times got bounced in the 1st round also!😂 I don’t ever wanna use smashmouth ever in my life again. That was enough for a lifetime!😪🤣


yeah but probably tomorrow will be something different


This is why it pays to learn all schemes! I’m a winner today! Until Vertical comes, then I lose :(


A good time for you to enjoy 👍


Quote from carbarmar >> Quote from ilatzimepaho >> I feel for those that don’t like SM. 

I won my first time through, got 200 trophies, an E2 and a choice of 1k patches or whistles.


What does the one who lost against you think? Who guarantees that your next match will be against another player.....and not against a  Both?


I'm always ready to smash.


Quote from dadadadann >> Quote from SEAHAWKS25293154 >> I haven't gotten a chance to play the elimination tournament yet. But, are the rewards better than the original blitz tournaments?

 If you win. I'd suggest solo instead of PvP if you don't run SM 

 I literally just sold all my players, all Combine Masters and UF (including GOM) players, plus I use WC. So, I guess I'll stay away from it till I finish rebuilding.


The difficulty level makes zero sense.  I play OD all day and never score below 1000 no matter who my captains or coach are.  Just played the third round against someone and could only get 400!?! Every run was instantly tackled behind the line, and almost every pass was just flat dropped.  I destroyed the first two round and 3rd round it's like they just decided to shut off my team.  My team power is 2700 and was playing some close to it.  Either the difficulty level is just set way to strange compared to normal or EA just decided I wasn't allowed past the 3rd round before it even started.