Easter sucks this year imo but the only thing rest about this promo imo is that you could make so much coin off this for other promos.
Quote from lunee101 >> Pretty sad that none of them outside of Alstott and Harris are highest OVR at their positions. And Alstott technically isn't since he already has 99 IMB and he can't use his own boost. BT Line is only .03 True OVR lower than Alstott but he can use his +2 IMB which would boost him higher. Crystal Legends have always been the cards to get. From OVR, to gameplay, to card art. They've always been sought after. But this seasons versions are a major letdown IMO. I can only hope they make it somewhat reasonable to get Crystal Eggs and not just via MC.
I’m really liking everything else about the promo but yeah, the Crystal Legend makeup is very underwhelming
Pretty sad that none of them outside of Alstott and Harris are highest OVR at their positions. And Alstott technically isn't since he already has 99 IMB and he can't use his own boost. BT Line is only .03 True OVR lower than Alstott but he can use his +2 IMB which would boost him higher. Crystal Legends have always been the cards to get. From OVR, to gameplay, to card art. They've always been sought after. But this seasons versions are a major letdown IMO. I can only hope they make it somewhat reasonable to get Crystal Eggs and not just via MC.
Quote from BeebeFan >> I was hoping for an upgrade to UF Cam as a big scrambling QB. Super excited to see McNabb....then I saw +1 CIT...ugh.
Almost missed that someone did mention McNabb! Not happy with that boost either tho
Quote from Eisen >> Where do you see the crystal legends? I went through all the events I have 17k blitz so I can repeat for a while.
I only saw them on root and in game we have crystal eggs
Quote from johnhe >> ngl this seems like a letdown
Yes, I get that they are Legends, but only a +1.
How do we get these players? Luck into pulling a crystal egg? Or is there a way to build it?
Quote from BradyBaby >> Teddy Bru!!! Dope!
yeah, i can't wait to get him for my All-Pats Team
They were so awesome last year. I always wait for things to settle before making a judgement but nobody grabbed my attention initially on that list.
That’s unfortunate since spd this year is worthless due to power differential in OD, spotlight players etc and tons of +1 players (playoff, GOM, SB, etc) can’t even sell my spread Ross for 4 mil :((
not great - best is Franco Harris (kr) with +1 spd to line up