Edited by Dan_The_MUT_Man21
Literally the dumbest thing ever. They def haven’t earned a card, their stats are trash bag, and now I get to waste my hard earned badges and players on some KIDS that do absolutely nothing for my team. 👍
You don't have to waste anything on them. Exchange Collectibles for players and hope that they use the same TS players for the next promo within TS.
Agreed. Don’t want any of these bums on my team. Can’t believe they gave guys who aren’t even on a freaking NFL team yet 99 OVRs. What a joke.
Edited by Dan_The_MUT_Man21
Stop calling them bums. Just stop. Please. Do you know any of these guys? I know you wanted a Shaquem, so did I. But we aren't given what we want all the time. I'm happy for these kids that are about to make their dream come true. Especially Henry Ruggs, try reading his story sometime. The only reason he started playing football was because his friend thought he would make a difference on the football field. His friend passed away. Now, he's playing football for him. It's truly a heartbreaking story. I myself cried when I heard the story. This is coming from a diehard LSU fan too. Stop the name calling. What did these kids EVER do to you that deserve to be called a bum? Stop. Please.
Bums was in reference to the cards themselves, not the players, and 100% these cards are awful. I have no problem with these guys themselves, but they don't need 99s in this game already, that is my point. These are awful selections for 99 grandmasters.
Chill out please. I have no idea who this guy is, but I do know he doesn't work for EA.
where did it say he worked for ea?
how did he get the info on the players then? its the same exact card design and everything
Well done Lancelot. Players were on point but the schemes were wrong (which was obvious as there wouldn't be 3 verts) regardless your credibility with the leaks is admirable. Keep them coming bro!
This is what popped up for me, seems dead on as I have no idea who those guys are
Edited by robertk328
I think we all knew we weren't getting 3 Verts. This guy said himself he wasn't sure. I have to give credit where credit is due. His information is on point.
Wow. This was totally right except for the schemes. Interesting on how they have the rights. But at least it’s new and different players
Looks like you are right again, minus the schemes.
Well poo on my face. I trusted everyone else. Turns out we were wrong. Never doubting this guy again
Edited by Sulaiman23
I don't know anything about the Masters, but that statement isn't true, FYI...
Lancelot has never been wrong before, what if EA surprised us?
Bad surprise...
I’m shocked that you wouldn’t like it....
... but why not?
It looks like it was my comment that was deleted. In fairness to the OP, it wasn’t clear and tbh, these threads are almost impossible to read. I can’t tell what’s a post, a reply, or what. I just see the picture. This new format is a mess.
True or False, anyway I don’t want those cards for sure.... lol
Not true or false. Only incorrect. There's literally a 0% chance of this unless they did three draft earlier today in secret.
Found this while looking for the next leak. Right players? Wrong players? Right schemes? Wrong schemes?