
11-32 Pick Pack - Question answered

Sorry if this has been asked already, my search box isn't working.

Are we sure that the 11-32 pick pack is a "select one of" thing? I just read the pack description and it doesn't specifically say It says "1x Diamond I+ 11-32 pick player" I originally read that as you get to pick someone who went 11-32, but I now think that may not be the case. Usually when we get to pick it says (select 1 of 22) or something.

I'm thinking, now that I look at it, that it should have single quotes around the phrase 11-32 pick. So it would read "1x Diamond I+ '11-32 pick' player"

Edit - A clanmate answered my question. Confirmed it's not a select, but they're auctionable on 4/30

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