It's vintage EA. Solve a problem by creating a new one. For the time being just select all teams except CLE, ATL, BUF, SEA. Annoying but it helps.
Quote from Namtih21 >> so, I am just about a hundred vertical golds away from completing mm ab. Figure why not? Nothing else to do.
So I go to the ah, and all I'm finding is easter golds. Which, as we all know, do NOT trade in for trophies.
Now, I assume I can just go ahead and trade those in for cheap to get ab, but why get nothing for them? What if I want to search for players I'm trying to exchange for trophies? At the start of the year it'd be for tp, then trophies. Now I get bunnies? Wtf?
This has to be one of the most poorly though out and terrible decisions In year that has been full of them. Why base so much around trophies a few months ago and then abandon half of the thing?
Search 70-74 OA players with vertical - dont think any easter players OA are that low
Quote from Mchewy >> I agree it’s a pain but just figure out which players don’t exchange for trophies and filter out that team. Not a perfect work around but it works.
The bad part is we are only 2 promos into this system. Each promo that rewards players with their own currency from here on out will make the a/h worse.
They gave away an absurd amount of free gold and elite content for Easter, which was the first mistake. If it did exchange for trophies, people would have hoarded them for the current promo, where trophies are extremely valuable. Hoarders would have completed all five draft masters first day. Considering that, It was actually a very timely maneuver to change the exchange value going forward on promo items to NOTHING.
I agree the affects on the AH are ridiculous. They should probably not allow a base promo card to be sold after a promo ends, or simply add a “past promo” filter for all cards with no exchange value.
Pro tip- next time there is a set, like the Easter master chain, where you can continuously exchange a player and get the same content in return, just select the scheme you need and repeatedly exchange it. You could have finished AB by trading in vertical Ryans or Mixons, for example. They don’t HAVE to be gold players.
Would be nice if EA just dumped those Easter players as soon as they can. This would make AH much more manageable. Nobody really wants those players anyways. If they do want to keep the players for theme teamers than maybe limit it to like 1-2 of those Easter players available every hour so that the AH is more usable.
I agree. Searching on the AH is a mess, most players don't even show up in the promo filter they belong to. Right now it's easy to filter out the positions of easter gold players, DT, TE, WR, FB but that's just the gold players. Idk about the elites 1 or elite 2 or diamonds players. There is going to be a big problem as more promos come out, you can't filter out all positions or teams cause then your search is so limiting.
There are some problems that happen that you can't foresee with changes BUT NO WAY they didn't think this would be an issue when they made the change. I thought the whole point of adding trophies was to make lower tier players relevant again, but now it's just horrible.
I agree it’s a pain but just figure out which players don’t exchange for trophies and filter out that team. Not a perfect work around but it works.
Better AH filters would be awesome. Half the promo stuff doesn’t even show up when you filter by promo. You usually have to search by name. It’s be great if we had an option to search for collectibles. Also found it would be helpful at times to search for base, non-promo players.
so, I am just about a hundred vertical golds away from completing mm ab. Figure why not? Nothing else to do.
So I go to the ah, and all I'm finding is easter golds. Which, as we all know, do NOT trade in for trophies.
Now, I assume I can just go ahead and trade those in for cheap to get ab, but why get nothing for them? What if I want to search for players I'm trying to exchange for trophies? At the start of the year it'd be for tp, then trophies. Now I get bunnies? Wtf?
This has to be one of the most poorly though out and terrible decisions In year that has been full of them. Why base so much around trophies a few months ago and then abandon half of the thing?
At least add a filter for base players. Something needs to be done.
so, I am just about a hundred vertical golds away from completing mm ab. Figure why not? Nothing else to do.
So I go to the ah, and all I'm finding is easter golds. Which, as we all know, do NOT trade in for trophies.
Now, I assume I can just go ahead and trade those in for cheap to get ab, but why get nothing for them? What if I want to search for players I'm trying to exchange for trophies? At the start of the year it'd be for tp, then trophies. Now I get bunnies? Wtf?
This has to be one of the most poorly though out and terrible decisions In year that has been full of them. Why base so much around trophies a few months ago and then abandon half of the thing?
At least add a filter for base players. Something needs to be done.