Just play them all. It has a check mark on the ones you already played. All badges are needed for any master anyways. So it's not a waste. You will need those extra badges to build the 3 NA 95 OVRs
That doesn't work when we didn't do the "correct" path. I did the full path and am back at the two with check marks. Guess what? I still have two undone. So now i have to repeat events just to get to those I haven't been able to do.
Absolutely stupid.
Study Hall Masters are only 30 Power so if it becomes an issue, I might not stress about getting all 12 every day and just focus on the 70 Power Masters.
I was able to complete it without redoing anything, and the events werent connected to each other by the end...I think ti should be doable without redoing events
On reddit I already saw that its possible to reach a point where you only have two events open that you already played and therefore cant go on on your path... So its maybe not random.
Just play one of those two you already played (you can auto) then you’ll get two different ones opened up
just autoplay one of them and you can keep going
yep. just figured that out. good catch. was out of stamina and thought i was stuck.
Yeah it's literally just choosing 1 of 2 and there's not a right choice other than if you have already completed one than you would want to choose the other. When you complete each of the 4 (Off, Def, or CH) then you get 300 TS points. The goal simply being to get all 12 completed for the 900 points. After that you can repeat what you want but after repeating one event the events will change (like before) so can't just spam all CH for example.
did not need to repeat any. sometimes gave me an option i had already done but the other was fresh. great idea. novel new way to navigate the events.
Yay. Get to waste stamina on events I’ve completed instead of ones that need to be done. Nice. #fail
So not only has new stamina been introduced that makes all previous grinding for leveling up irrelevant, I guess the next twist is adding a random element potentially forcing you to buy more new stamina “trying” to complete all 12?!?
Yup. Spent 1000 gems to get MORE than enough stamina to complete and have had to ‘repeat’ 4 events so far...😡 out of stamina for now.
Edited by Ezekiel1020
It doesn’t matter. Sometimes you get 2 badges, sometimes one. No rhyme or reason.... all RNG
It doesn’t look like it matters where you start. But does it show you anywhere which events you’ve done? I’m just moving across the bottom row, but don’t see any difference between locked events I’ve done and locked events I haven’t. Do they appear differently when unlocked if you have done them? I just don’t understand the point of making the completion of events increasingly convoluted.
EDIT: If one you’ve already done pops up again, it appears with a check mark. So now my question is whether the options that pop up are random? So potentially you could have two options you’ve already done show up? Does “try to complete all 12” mean that it might not be possible?
Edited by DRPanther
Do the check one again and it opens other events randomly. I'm going to try to get all 12 done.
Its not impossible.But it can be that 2 events pop up you already completed.So you have to play one of these and hope in the next 2 is one event you havent played.
I finished all 12. I was probably lucky that only once did both options have a check mark as already completed. You just have to auto-play it and hope that the next 2 have an uncompleted option.
I'm working my way through them now. Looks like 2 new options pop up each time you finish one of the events. Think the "choose one" was just to get you started.
Need to play all 12 events to get the rewards and there is no language that says "Choose one" or "choosing this will lock that," so I think you're good to go.
I’m too scared to, started with the event on the bottom right and stopped once it split off. Does it matter which events you choose or will you be able to play all of the events regardless?