
Help me spend 13m coins

So first off, sorry my lineup image is a link - I've been having problems with imgur not embedding in my posts lately for some reason. just gives me a little square instead of posting the img lol. Link here

I need help. Since the DMs were auctionable yesterday I unloaded a few and got my coin stack up to 18M. I've got all the guys for my legacy team unless they release some new Raiders cards (unlikely, but who knows). My team is 103/102/102 (Defense is at 101 When I have my Hurst in like I do now), and I'm pretty happy with my lineup as is. The RB that's telling me I have a better player is UL LT, and the DT that's telling me I have a better player is CH Donald.

I need help spending 13M (I want to keep 5M in case there are any new Raider cards). Help?!

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