Quote from GeeMack >> Quote from Mabenx >> I finally got James White late last night. Paid 9M for him after a short bid war.
Hoping one drops for you
I officially hate you right now haha
You'll find one! I've at least seen him around. Maybe after bosses drop?
Quote from Mabenx >> I finally got James White late last night. Paid 9M for him after a short bid war.
Hoping one drops for you
I officially hate you right now haha
Quote from lenny22688 >> Good luck man! I was on a quest for Wentz yesterday. Hope one drops for you soon.
Did you wind up finding him? I saw two of him yesterday
Quote from Mabenx >> I finally got James White late last night. Paid 9M for him after a short bid war.
Hoping one drops for you
Congrats, man! That give me at least some hope!
Good luck man! I was on a quest for Wentz yesterday. Hope one drops for you soon.
I finally got James White late last night. Paid 9M for him after a short bid war.
Hoping one drops for you
Quote from Ailman >> I'll buy one and list him for 20 mil :TROLL:
Dick move, man lmao. Though I could get to 20 if need be. Quote from Gonosman >> Must be none, I don't think it's Scott on this one. Yesterday I saw one FF up for 11mil BID and 22mil buy now
I know it's not on Scott, but I was just hoping someone at EA would see this and be like "oh man, let's throw this guy a bone" and make Scott list one or two. Unlikely, I know, but at this point it's worth a shot.
Quote from Ailman >> I'll buy one and list him for 20 mil :TROLL:
I just bought one. Listed him for 20-25million.
Must be none, I don't think it's Scott on this one. Yesterday I saw one FF up for 11mil BID and 22mil buy now
Quote from BenjaminGary >> i'm rooting for you man. been keeping an eye out and none on my AH yet. good luck.
I haven't even seen any on my alt's account. Not that I could buy him there anyway, but I just haven't seen any. He's a ghost
i'm rooting for you man. been keeping an eye out and none on my AH yet. good luck.
I have been looking for a Tahir Whitehead Fan Favorite card since they dropped. At this point in the season I'm more than happy to spend all 15M coins on him. Please push him out and I will buy him. Please please please please please