
Question about overdrive and stats... and other general questions that should have probably asked sooner

I know its pretty late in the season to get back into overdrive, but I really lost interest when everyone was able to spam the same play all the time.   Anyway, with my league pretty dead for awhile (I am the only one left really), I am getting back into overdrive.  Overdrive questions: Right now my team is pretty stacked... 105o 104d 102st, but some things really don't add up.  With the new onyx promo, people say 99's are 99s and only height and weight seem to make a difference in game play, so bonuses for team power wont matter... I assume this is the same with coach tactics that increase player stats? So a tactic that increases PLR or TAD won't help gameplay other than unlocking other tactics?

What are these "ghost tactics"?

Are tactics "global" other than the ones that say "self"?  I think some are, like the offensive ones (e.g. HB yards +150) but not sure about the defensive ones.  For example the 1st down tax where players get 5 points for every time their opponent passes for a first down.   Also what about ones that say Opponent? like the Opponent Rush yards -75%, (I would assume that would not impact my own rushes.)

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