Posted by tb17 tb175 years ago

The best part of the game right now is Seasons

Until OD/Arena/Madden Today/UL start pumping out 99s, I can't think of a better way to spend stamina than to spend 520 on a season a day.

They've updated the Elite Season set to where you get 93s now, once a week you can get at least 70-100k from that 93

It's 1400 TS points a day which means you can definitely get a 50k TS player JUST by playing a season a day without doing anything else but daily goals. 100k may actually be possible for F2P

82-86 set can probably be done at least 2-3 times a season, thats at least 100k gold a season, usually way more

FO/TP can be exchanged until you don't need anymore

They've shortened it to where a full season can be done no breaks in about 2 hours.

Is there something I'm missing?


What elite season?


I am getting lots of 88-91 players from Season win sets, using for Evo. Would not play whole season each day though. Maybe two games.


Maybe they can knock OD down to 2 mins....or just kill it. But at least knock it down to 2 mins


I can not get myself to endure that boredom.


Some of us, even non money spenders have maxed trained teams and maxed Technology boosts. The rewards from seasons are great but cards that won't sell and TP I can't use. I know the money spenders gotta be bored right now. If new technology items are added I will go back at it. But the last month with nothing to do with stamina I just get my 20-30 TS Elites a day. There's a point where they got to start adding more things or something


I've been making money putting them in the 82-86 set. It's not as much as the floor, but it's much more useful than TP at this point.


Is the team you have now your end of season team? There will be more boosts also. Having lots of extra TP and FO points doesn’t sound like an issue to me.


Unfortunately it’s a great time to play seasons but I can’t get myself to play more than 1 game per day (which is for the daily goal)


Is there a Best starter team to use? Seems like teams with better TOTW elites/diamonds would be the best.


Cowboys, Niners, KC, Texans are all decent starter teams. If you choose a team that has the lower OVR version of a TS 98 player you can get from playing the events in between the TS seasons games the game doesn’t let you add the 98 TS version of the player when you complete the event in between the games though so be careful. You can easily win without the 98 players so it’s Not the end of the world. I haven’t seen what happens if you bench the scrub version of the 98/88 TS player you are about to get before playing the TS in between game event though.

Seahawks Carson, Redskins Mclaurin, Giants Jones, Jaguars Allen, Bills Oliver Jr, Saints Lattimore, Baltimore Brown, Colts Walker, Texans Cunningham, Detroit Ragnow

Edited by pooooooooooooper


KC is pretty fun. You get Tyreek and KR Hall.


Niners has a good all around team.


I also scoop up TOTW golds when they are on the AH for less than 1k, and use the elite TOTW players from seasons to build 93 Richard Sherman. I average building 1-2 per week and he sells for 174999-224999.


You can get Sherman from the last 2 Season sets to the right pretty easily nowadays also.


I wish the oponents were more close to the players overall, and different weathers, the option to choose the Super Bowl Stadiums, uniforms and watch the other teams standings


Seasons might be the most efficient mode, but OMG, the boredom. Make it autoplay and I’m all in.


Watch some music, podcasts or videos while you play. I 100% agree but seasons offer the best deal right now.


you can knock them out quick with just a few run players, letting the clock wind down.

Seasonal are incredibly time consuming and boring. I'd rather play a season on console than mobile.




The best part of the game is OhCaptain’s Annual tourneys every two weeks! I encourage everyone to bail on boring, sad LvL and enter a real competition with legit prizes 💪


ur right jawa, was enjoyable today, prob best time in months


You’re probably right, but isn’t that a shame. The only way we can provide legitimate competition for ourselves is to create our own modes.


yeah, that's pretty nice


Which season set gives u 93s? they all still talk about silvers


There is a new set under Madden core that gives you a 93 from seasons.


I can only see 4 sets there, and they are the old 4 sets with the old description. where is the new set located?


Yeah I don’t have any set like that.


I think TS grab bags are superior.
All stamina to the TS event... Do the grab bags.... usually make up gems.... get way more TS points... get training, fo points, coins as well.

And it doesn’t take long at all.

Edited by cf2019GB


agreed, i hit 50k today, without field passes or spending 4k gems on ms or seasons. i opted to do neither


If you pull several 85+ it is worth it. But usually I do not. I make way more with seasons. Also I get crap in the grab bags when I have done them. I just have bad luck I think with that stuff.


how many gems are you using a day? Without gems this does not seem feasible since you get at most 20 plays a day which would mean you're wasting quite a bit of daily stamina. My problem is I'm stuck using gems on the CH event so I'm super low on gems at the moment since we have to use 500 minimum a day if we want to do 20 trivia and the chain, and since currently CH is the only way to evolve players to 100, seems like it's best to prioritize that.

Edited by tb17


Yeah... I have a bunch of gems. If you are short on those, seasons is the way to go probably.


Yeah I have made over 2 million TP and 1 million FO points just from playing TS seasons this month.


Glad to see seasons has been updated, but LvL was always the best for me. Enjoyed playing my 3 drives no matter who the opponent is.


Best part is the 45 second quarters. Much easier to stomach. Rewards are great tho!


Not sure it's the best part, but I do agree that there have been improvement that I really appreciate.