Posted by Eisen Eisen5 years ago

Has your league help requests gone way down?

I think the only thing I send help for is the free pack. I wish we could get help to quicken stamina for the Combine and SH promo. I still get five a day but few more.


i been finished my league help achievment since the path to greatness event. thats the only time i can remember league mate really consistantly asked for help


I usually get my 5 pretty quick. I would like to see league help for promo stamina.


Did not complete daily goal yesterday.


We have a pretty small league, with only 8 (or so) super-active players (13 or 14 total). We never had a ton of help requests to begin with, I think.


Sadly, EA doesnt care and we fend for ourselves. What else is new?


yeah, it takes a while most days to hit 5

Yeah we've been having issues. We were talking the other day there needs to be more things to request help for. Promo stamina would be a good one.


Yes it has went down. Part of the reason is as you mentioned nothing to request help on (which I’m fine with cause the wait times were annoying) and two it’s cause people have been playing less