
Minimum price for 85 overalls?

Is their a cap?  Can’t dump 85 Eli for what he is worth.


Quote from JTCarpenter >> Quote from hawskee >> A couple league mates pulled him. The one guy sold him to the bot for 230k this morning. 

 A couple league mates? Damn, I felt like a chance at pulling any of these one day “Potential Future HoFers” is slim to none and then I read this.

 Yeah 2/32 isn’t too shabby. I guess we’re an extremely lucky league.


Quote from hawskee >> A couple league mates pulled him. The one guy sold him to the bot for 230k this morning. 

 A couple league mates? Damn, I felt like a chance at pulling any of these one day “Potential Future HoFers” is slim to none and then I read this.


A couple league mates pulled him. The one guy sold him to the bot for 230k this morning.