Quote from wehaveasituasian >> Quote from mikebrownisthebestsafety >> As far as tactics go, do they last the entire OD match or just for that one play? Obviously the pressure is limited to that single play while the point boosts last while it's active, however does the stat boost (i.e. +3 Pursuit) last the entire match once activated?
Quote from Reepicheepmouse >> Quote from Xenith606 >> Quote from TheyCallMeRed
Quote from Xenith606 >> Quote from TheyCallMeRed >> What? The coaches with 3 pressures have offensive tactics that should equally help you. It's all about you play style and this setup gives people more options.
"Should" seems like a key word here. I don't think I've ever seen a top player using a 6 offensive tactic coach. I agree with you that coaches shouldn't be carbon copies and should suit different playstyles, but I think there's a very legitimate argument that you can't use a 6 offensive tactic coach if you want to be as competitive as possible.
Quote from TheyCallMeRed >> What? The coaches with 3 pressures have offensive tactics that should equally help you. It's all about you play style and this setup gives people more options.
"Should" seems like a key word here. I don't think I've ever seen a top player using a 6 offensive tactic coach. I agree with you that coaches shouldn't be carbon copies and should suit different playstyles, but I think there's a very legitimate argument that you can't use a 6 offensive tactic coach if you want to be as competitive as possible.
Quote from TheyCallMeRed >> Quote from bLu >> This is another example of EA's incompetence.
I wonder how many in the top 100 actually uses an offensive style coach.
I'd imagine less than 5 percent.
Play style is an BS excuse so you can be a shill for EA.
What exactly is your complaint? Who cares if more people use defensive coaches. People can choose the style/strategy they want. Would you prefer for every coach to have the same pressures?
That's not even my biggest issue with coaches. My issue concerns the absurd amount of overdrive points required to fire off all 6 defensive tactics. I understand that having a fully schemed team helps you fire off most of your tactics, but I believe OD would be more fun if tactics cost less overdrive points overall. Let players have all the powerful offensive boosts in order to counter all the insane boosts the defense receives after all 6 defensive tactics are fired.
Additionally, some of the coaches' "rush/pass attempt tax" rules are meaningless and need an overhaul. Like a 1 point tax on rush attempts does nothing to affect how your opponent strategies their play types.
Some tips for coaches:
Disregard the coach playbook for OD purposes. At the least, don’t make it the only deciding factor, because a few more good plays won’t save you. Defensive pressures will usually get you the most extra points, and disrupt your opponent’s play script more. Playbook is more important for LvL and Arena.
Besides what the tactics are and do, also keep in mind how many diamonds it costs to fire them, how long your captain’s meter time is, and how many seconds you’re shaving off of it by adding more scheme players to your offense.
Keep in mind WHICH tactics you’d like to fire, because you cannot fire all six with most any coach, and even if you did, you will probably run out of time before the sixth one actually registers on your opponent’s side. Tactics are all worth different amount of points, so consider your total possible score, rather than just pushing buttons as soon as they light up.
You can choose any coach(es) you like, and your needs will change through the season. You will probably find you prefer different coaches in different modes. I had about 12 maxed coaches by the end of last season I used for different purposes (and milestones). If you have chosen a bad coach to begin with, start over now while there is plenty of time left to level up a new one.
Quote from bLu >> This is another example of EA's incompetence.
I wonder how many in the top 100 actually uses an offensive style coach.
I'd imagine less than 5 percent.
Play style is an BS excuse so you can be a shill for EA.
What exactly is your complaint? Who cares if more people use defensive coaches. People can choose the style/strategy they want. Would you prefer for every coach to have the same pressures?
Quote from Java >> If you look at current coaches and captains its pretty clear we will get a lot more of them later on. Compared to last season no Coach is really good and wc for example hasnt a 15sec Captain.
That some coaches are pretty bad was the same case last season.
Yet Nagy was the coach to use last season. This year it's Lynn and Vrabel. EA never learns.
If you look at current coaches and captains its pretty clear we will get a lot more of them later on. Compared to last season no Coach is really good and wc for example hasnt a 15sec Captain.
That some coaches are pretty bad was the same case last season.
This is another example of EA's incompetence.
I wonder how many in the top 100 actually uses an offensive style coach.
I'd imagine less than 5 percent.
Play style is an BS excuse so you can be a shill for EA.
Quote from MaddenPimp >> Quote from Dbzfan614 >> Can we please for the sake of that's all good even out the pressures for all the coaches? Why do some have 6, some only 3? Also, holy crap, what is with all these run pressures when you can't even run in OD b/c your oline barely blocks.
Can anyone explain the unevenness between the coaches and pressures? Do people just rely on these easy coaches and just abuse the pressures to win?
Quote from goldenboy1990 >> Quote from alnamiasiv >> Coaches and schemes are fine, especially in comparison to last year's Nagy/Harbaugh-palooza. One of the few upgrades EA actually did make is that everything is fairly balanced. And yeah, you have access to the same schemes, coaches and captains as everyone else.
Quote from MaddenPimp >> Quote from goldenboy1990 >> Quote from wehaveasituasian
Quote from goldenboy1990 >> Quote from wehaveasituasian >> Quote from mikebrownisthebestsafety
Quote from wehaveasituasian >> Quote from mikebrownisthebestsafety >> As far as tactics go, do they last the entire OD match or just for that one play? Obviously the pressure is limited to that single play while the point boosts last while it's active, however does the stat boost (i.e. +3 Pursuit) last the entire match once activated?
Can we please for the sake of that's all good even out the pressures for all the coaches? Why do some have 6, some only 3? Also, holy crap, what is with all these run pressures when you can't even run in OD b/c your oline barely blocks.
Can anyone explain the unevenness between the coaches and pressures? Do people just rely on these easy coaches and just abuse the pressures to win?