
Phenom vs Legends Math Comparison

First of all, I don't actually know whether this was already done or not. Searching on Muthead never really worked well for me, and I have not come across the thread myself. I was gonna write a short version of this on a different thread, but it got too long, so I decided to put it as a new thread. And I use a lot of "so" in my write-up, so please excuse my overuse of that word.

Long story short, I definitely think phenom would take less stamina overall to get an 85 player than Legends. With some caveats that would be explained at the bottom...

Legend gives out 1 - 4 tokens for 50 stamina event. I don't have the actual data, but my experience has been mostly 1-3 with 1 being a bit more frequent than the other two and rare sighting of 4. I could be just unlucky, but I'm going to say it has an average of 2 tokens. Also, it may be possible to get a badge in the live event, but again, I have not come across this, and I grinded legend events at least 50 times.

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