Quote from VolcalicJaguar >> I don't even care about schemes this early in the season. There's no point to, because we'll still be constantly upgrading our teams for a while.
I dunno about that. The Power bonus and the OD time that scheme bonuses take off have probably been the reason i won some really close matches instead of lost! Quote from Forte_Oz_to_Freedom
How about SM while you're at it. There's a grand total of 1 SM player between Legends and Phenoms.
I don't even care about schemes this early in the season. There's no point to, because we'll still be constantly upgrading our teams for a while.
Quote from OLCHU >> can we get sm phenoms?
I would like some SM as well, but can't deny we have luv in other areas, Vert does not.
Guess my Phenom offensive badges will be locked away for weeks to come. I just luv stacking currency on the off chance i use it down the line! There is literally nothing more fun to grind for!
You also have 2 spots that can be non-vertical, I personally run two non-vert running backs right now
Quote from phfredd >> There is a fair amount of base elite vert WR.... I have using base AJ Green elite with amazing success.
That AJ green is from legacy and N/A.T.Y Hilton is the only base elite vert WR thats auctionable...Masters Juju and franchise Edelman are both N/A also
There is a fair amount of base elite vert WR.... I have using base AJ Green elite with amazing success.
Quote from Tejma >> Or some base elite wr will be great...
T.Y Hilton and TE Kelce are the only Auctionable options we have for vert at WR and TE so definitely could use more options
Quote from Dbzfan614 >> Since new players are released weekly can we stagger them by schemes instead of just wc and spread?
Also - any change of badge trades in set like legends?
theyre hanging out with the WC Masters
Quote from Tejma >> Or some base elite wr will be great...
Yes please. I don’t see smashmouth and spread suffering with lack of scheme running backs.
Quote from Kaxyz >> Quote from LionsFan09 >> Thirded. Would like a tall WR or a good TE.
Kittle in vert is god like. I although second a tall WR or any vert receiver. However, i just want some high gold and low elite oline for vert.
I got Kittle and he's great. I love him but it wouldn't hurt to have a elite Vert TE. It's a shame Gronk retired imo.
Quote from LionsFan09 >> Thirded. Would like a tall WR or a good TE.
Kittle in vert is god like. I although second a tall WR or any vert receiver. However, i just want some high gold and low elite oline for vert.
Was going to write the same thing
spread players are given much more priority this year master series 84 kamara, juju is just 82
phenoms are only 2 spread and wc
Quote from RudyWasOffside >> Seconded. I've got badges locked and loaded for an offensive phenom, just need a vert. I don't understand why they don't stagger the schemes.
Ya nothing for Vert in Hall of Fame and now in Phenoms. There should definitely be all four for every promo.
Since new players are released weekly can we stagger them by schemes instead of just wc and spread?
Also - any change of badge trades in set like legends?