Posted by TB12goated TB12goated5 years ago

Field Pass Concerns & Neglections

I really am going to go out of my way not to make this sound like a whiny complaint. And this is my first post so forgive me if I'm a bit long-winded. My issue is concerning Field Passes. When the season began and we were introduced to the Field Passes I thought it was ingenious. It helps us out, EA makes money. Win-win everyone's happy. I've gotten every Field Pass (and sideline pass as well) this entire season and it's been well worth it until around Championship Run. It now feels as if those of us spending the $30 are completely forgotten about after 2 or 3 days into the month long promos. On day 1 of the new promo, we'll buy the pass, grind out the Grandmaster in the first 24 hrs (some take longer) and then receive ZERO benefits as the next 20-30 days go on. The addition of a second Grandmaster was great, but after achieving 100k points in 6 days, then what? And then to see the additional mini-promo's be added that take focus and center stage that Field Pass holders receive zero benefits on is demoralizing to the point I'm questioning as to whether or not to continue getting them in the future. This month was the worst example thus far with Combine and Madden Ex (which I love) promos being the main focus and neglecting those whom purchase Field Passes. Honestly, the only reason I am considering still buying them going forward is because I have Evo'd them all to 100ovr (except overrated Manning, hate that guy) and planned to take them to Legacy as a show of loyalty to the season. I don't know, perhaps my gripe is out of line. It just feels like those who are loyal customers are being, maybe not mistreated, but most definitely ignored and neglected. Just my 2 cents. I'd appreciate any feedback, maybe show me I'm wrong. Thanks

While I would never spend $30 bucks for a few extras, I think a lot of people are correct. As I have always looked at it was $30 bucks would get me access to a couple mini promos (gauntlet and season) which allowed me to get 2 masters, plus a few additional items to give me a head start on finishing the rewards. I've only been playing since October so idk how they were originally presented. But I've never looked at it as a full promo length incentive. Just a bonus to make completing it easier.


If you're grinding 100,000 points in 6 days then i've got no words. I don't want to get booted. I have yet to cross the 100K threshold on any of the recent passes and I still feel I get my moneys worth with the one grand master, the two and usually more underbosses, plus all the extras plus the content itself, even though I know most hate season mode.


With the field pass and the bonus 500% towards seasons and guantlet was a giant difference. People with the field pass have to grind less than those without. Not the opposite.

Anyone who got 50K points without the field pass did alot more work than those with it, by a mile. So OP hitting 100K isn't a big deal. I hit 98K a few days ago and didn't do grab bags past 7-8 of them. Just played one season total as well.

To the OP. I agree about the promo part but the rewards this time around were 10X better than any field pass we ever had.


Tend to agree with a lot of other posters. You’re paying for a substantial head start. You got a substantial head start on the promo. I didn’t pay and it took me about two weeks to finish the first master (which is a lifetime in the world of Madden). I won’t finish the second master mostly because I don’t want him, but if I did, I would have to pour a ton of effort and resources into the game. Don’t know what more you should get.


What more do you want from a $30 pass? You get the Masters (usually the top OVR cards at the time) very fast, you get the MC, you get the bonus clipboards and other items. Honest question, what more do you feel entitled to?


I certainly didn't mean to imply that a purchaser is entitled to anything. The point I was trying to make, apparently I didn't make it very well judging by the comments lol, was that when it started the Pass was promoted as an add-on to the monthly promo that provides additional goods/services along the way. Even with the first pass, it was advertised that the only way to make Strahan Evo was with the pass. Turned out not to be true. I don't know perhaps I'm just misinterpreting it's purpose. I always thought of it as more of an exclusive loyalty rewards type of program. But instead it just feels like it you and I were going to race in the 40 yard dash but I get a 10 yard head start. And they certainly advertise it every day in the splash page. Idk, maybe I'm in the wrong and shouldn't have written it. Didn't want to sound like I'm complaining or entitled to anything. Even said so in the 1st sentence. Sorry


We still talking about Strahan? I'll agree with you that the field pass didn't do much for most of the month, especially if you finished the two masters. Pretty much with Combine (for me) the points didn't do much but I was able to finish most of the sets for gems, clipboards, boosters/reducers, etc. If you haven't done all those, might as well do them before they disappear. With that said, the field pass did make it so much easier to get both that I could have stretched it out if I wanted to.

Edited by robertk328


The reference to the Strahan situation was just an example. As I said earlier several times, it just seems, to me, that it is promoted as an item that provides benefits that last the entire month. When in all actuality it's merely a jump start on the Grandmaster. They shouldn't call it a monthly pass when it does absolutely zero for all the promos within that month (i.e. Combine, Campus Heroes, Madden Ex). That is my point. I didn't create this post for am argument nor hostility. So I'm not sure where the attitude is coming from. So, before any escalations I'll just say agree to disagree. Have a good one. Peace.


Edited by TB12goated


Didn't give you any attitude, I said I agreed with you.

Edited by robertk328


he probably feel people shouldnt be able to get a master from grinding


That's how it was promoted in the 1st one. Said the only way to Evo Strahan was to buy the pass


Good points


The whole purpose of the field pass was to allow you to get your 2 Grand master Quickly . So you already get what you paid for. I did not purchase the field pass so I only at 85K pts. What are you complaining about.?


I agree with you. He’s basically paying to finish the masters faster and have the benefit of having them before others. Don’t really see what other benefits he should get. Plus a majority of the player base probably can’t even get 1 master so that increases the benefit too. And if he finishes the masters in 6 days he gets to build up extra points he can use for the uniforms, energy, etc. Or he can save the TS players to use for promos or grab bags (for gems). Theres plenty of benefits imo


I agree with what you are saying, buying the pass should get you more benefits during the promo. Spending $360 a season if you get a pass a month, I would never do. All that stuff will be gone at the reset, better things you can use that money for. Your gripe is not out of line, loyal customers shouldn’t be ignored and neglected. The gripe should be how the gameplay is and all the glitches/bugs this season, especially when almost everyone misses out on it. Really unfair to both free and pay players. Nick and dev team just fixed a lot of the bugs, greatly appreciated they did that. Hopefully Easter promo will be just as good as previous years. Maybe what I said won’t mean much, but I think I made at least one good point.


I must ask, you made a statement that I've heard from literally dozens or more of players and I always fail to understand the logic of it. You said that a pass every month is $360 per season and there's "better things to spend that money on." It's the equivalent of going to the movie theater and getting snacks one time a month for a year. Again, I'll say, one time a month. That would only last about 90 minutes or so. Totalling 1,080 minutes per year of entertainment or 18 hours per year. Now, do you play Madden Mobile more or less than 18 hours per year? Heck, I play more than that each week. So, why is it so acceptable to most to spend that amount yearly for a tiny fleeting amount of entertainment like going to the movies and its so looked down upon to spend the same amount on a mobile game like Madden Mobile that provides continuous on-going entertainment anytime day or night for an unlimited amount of time all year long? It's an honest legitimate question.


Going to the movies is more entertaining though. I’m probably with you on the 18 hours a week. You can spend your money however you want, reason I said what I did. Is because of the gameplay with all the glitches/bugs and you see it a lot on here with people complaining about the game daily. That $360 you can spend on bills, food, maybe a new video game or few toys for your kid( if you have any). Something that will last longer for a year. Madden is not really entertaining especially last year with Overdrive, I’ll admit it was fun back in MM16-18. Now it feels like a daily chore, well to me at least. Maybe I’m burnt out on this game, only reason I still play is for my league mates. Like I said maybe what I wrote won’t mean much, that’s just my opinion and how I feel on what you wrote.