
Briefcase Exchange Rate for Elite players

I remembered seeing the Briefcase Exchange Rate for gold players while back, but I don't think I came across any for elites. I looked at the gold one and some of the elite ones that I have on my lineup to test and looks like each tier gets 50% more briefcases. For example, I have 82 tier I and II, and they are at 700 and 1050. For 85 tier I and II I have, they are 1220 and 1830. And For 84 tier I and III, they are 1050 and 2360. Tier III should be at 2362.5, but I think they do some rounding/dropping the single digit values when it gets higher. For gold, the math checks out for 50% for each Tier.

I don't think 86s are exchangeable yet. And most of the master cards from the promos or master series are not exchangeable. But phenoms and legends are. I imagine flashbacks are too, but I cannot test that. Because of the rounding/dropping the single digit values, the higher tier may have slightly different number at the end but should be within 1-2% of the total value. Just as a reference, here is the list of values that are actual. 80 tier 1, 81 tier 1, 81 tier 2, 83 tier 2, 84 tier 1, 84 tier 3, 85 tier 1, 85 tier 2. The rest are calculated.

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