All season long this year EA has followed a pattern with the store packs for promos, or more specifically a "last chance" type of pack availability. Their modus operandi thus far has been a promo and its events will end, however, the sets stay available for about a week. Then on the final day for completing and redeeming the sets, the Madden Store brings back a store pack designed for a last ditch effort to complete those pesky missing 1 or 2 items needed. However, today is the final day for Campus Heroes sets and there is no "last ditch" effort pack made available for banners and such. Is it an oversight? Or perhaps not until Tomorrow's Superstars promo ends on the 21st? Was this mentioned anywhere and I overlooked it and missed it?
All season long this year EA has followed a pattern with the store packs for promos, or more specifically a "last chance" type of pack availability. Their modus operandi thus far has been a promo and its events will end, however, the sets stay available for about a week. Then on the final day for completing and redeeming the sets, the Madden Store brings back a store pack designed for a last ditch effort to complete those pesky missing 1 or 2 items needed. However, today is the final day for Campus Heroes sets and there is no "last ditch" effort pack made available for banners and such. Is it an oversight? Or perhaps not until Tomorrow's Superstars promo ends on the 21st? Was this mentioned anywhere and I overlooked it and missed it?