
POLL: Have you seen improved blocking in MM20?

This is an area they discussed improvements in gameplay in the Twitch live streams in the lead-up to launch, at least for a portion of plays they could tweak. I run Vertical and my non-scientific observation is blocking is no better. It might be different but I still get tackled just as much by my blockers than I do defenders, at times, and, in general, blockers do really strange stuff. I might be alone though and would love to know what you've observed, any helpful insights, and what scheme do you run, in case some scheme's playbooks are better than others, in regards to blocking.


Quote from mabaeyens >> Quote from manson >> Is it good?  No.  Is it an improvement over last season?  Yes.  I see far less instances of blockers trying to race me to the end zone and bypassing defenders in the process.

Olinemen are still too slow and too dumb. Wait until they get on the 80 SPD and AWR. Your running back will be dealt with care.


Not only has blocking been just as bad, but now the defensive players can instantly shed their block and slide 5 yards to make tackles.


I think OL push off the ball is significantly better than last year. However, block shedding is extremely broken. No matter the overall or power of the opposing DL, an all bronze DL is equally as likely to instantly release and snap to your HB like magnets as an all elite DL will.


Definitelly improved. But still bad


I put yes, but there is a big BUT that isn't covered in the poll. That but is that run blocking is minimally better, as others have noted, but pass blocking is actually slightly worse as there have been multiple times when blockers have run across the line (from right to left usually) and slammed into my QB while trying to block somebody blitzing off the weak side.


1% improvement is better, but noticeable....


I've seen lead blockers AVOID blocks. I've also seen hbs go around the end with a guard out in front thinking that certainly I'm going to get a block and the guard lets a tackler blow right by. Doesn't even engage.


Quote from manson >> Is it good?  No.  Is it an improvement over last season?  Yes.  I see far less instances of blockers trying to race me to the end zone and bypassing defenders in the process.

 Exactly my thoughts. LOL


Quote from manson >> Is it good?  No.  Is it an improvement over last season?  Yes.  I see far less instances of blockers trying to race me to the end zone and bypassing defenders in the process.

Olinemen are still too slow and too dumb. Wait until they get on the 80 SPD and AWR. Your running back will be dealt with care.

But I can see the OLB just waiting there, one of my blockers around, going sidelines not even trying and failing the block, just running somewhere else.


Blocking isn't much better AND what is worse is the terrible animations for tackling.  The defenders take down an RB running full steam after just finishing a block shed or sometimes with a simple arm reach.  They need to fix the ability of the defenders to stop an RB so easily.  If a guy is just finishing a blockshed he's going to get run over.  He may finish the tackle but the RB is going to get another yard or two (simple physics and momentum). Instead we have DBs and DEs that time their blocksheds for the split second before you get there and then are able to drop an RB on the spot.  Terrible programming.


Based on the 1.5 seconds I have to throw the ball I would say no.


Nope,its sad when u have a all 85 o-line and a 73 d-line can by pass them to stop u in the backfield


I have seen my team clip people on kickoffs this year. Since there are no penalities, I take that as a slight improvement.


Quote from ethan1234k >> I think the blocking is definitely better than last year, one things that needs to be fixed is the reach tackles where a defensive lineman is engaged with my lineman then can just instantly blockshed when the RB gets close and stop his momentum.

 Exactly this


Current status: 10% Yes 10% Maybe 80% No


Quote from manson >> Is it good?  No.  Is it an improvement over last season?  Yes.  I see far less instances of blockers trying to race me to the end zone and bypassing defenders in the process.

 yeah, miss the days when my blockers beat me to the end zone...


Is it good?  No.  Is it an improvement over last season?  Yes.  I see far less instances of blockers trying to race me to the end zone and bypassing defenders in the process.


Nothing in the game has improved since MM15


We going in reverse in my opinion.