
100 Ranked OD matches at HOF.... What Scheme is being used most?

Once I reached HOF for this round, I decided to track my matches, specifically to see what Captains and Coaches were being most utilized and in what combination.  The two tables below show the same data, one is total count and the other is the percentage that the total count represents – same data just two different ways to look at it.

For both tables the left-hand column is the coach that I played against and top row is the captain.  The blank spaces indicate that the combination was not used.  There were 2 captains and 1 coach that I never played against, so they are not in the table.  The far-right column is the total/percentage for that specific coach and bottom row is the total/percentage used for that specific captain.  The center cells show the count/percentage that the specific combination was used, and the highlighted cells indicate the top used for each and that will be broke down below.

The initial before the coach/captain should be easy to determine but just in case they are V for Vertical, SM for Smashmouth, WC for West Coast and SP for Spread….. given the small number of spread I could have just left them off but to make the tables match and to track the last 100 matches I left them in.

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