Playing the top 100 teams is challenging yes but you can also learn a lot. One of the reasons I did the tracking I did was to see what I can learn from it to improve my game. I did track some other data points but not for every match so the data set was much smaller however there were some other trends I will be looking to track in the future to see if it is relevant.
I will say when tactics are fired, in what order, and in relation to score did differ in the top 100 than in the getting through the levels so maybe it is not as simple as hitting the screen with no intent.
I disagree. I’ve been playing with lvl 14 Shurmur and made top 30 the past OD seasons and I am top 30 rn I do agree that coaches help out, but thats not everything. I think that play choice and knowing when to use a play really helps out.
Quote from Dbzfan614 >> So I was spot checking od leaderboard today and I confirmed my hypothesis that most use Lynn or vrabel as their coach. These two are the cheapest coaches when it comes to def pressures. I know most will disagree with the following statement of: Most of these top 100 players are result of cheap coaches and not “skills” at reading def, selecting right plays, etc. If anyone from the top 100 disagrees with me I ask you to play with other than those two coaches next season and show us your “skills.” Anyways...happy Labor Day weekend all.
What about Power? They all have 2000+ Power from what I've scouted. At least the Top 25 all do
Yes please. I would like all the top 100 guys to please use less competitive useless offensive tactic coaches so I can have a chance of making top 100. Is that asking too much? I think not.
Be civil guys, the thread will most likely be locked if you keep calling each other names.
Quote from boon240 >> Lol
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Everyone one in the game can get those same coaches, so why doesn’t everyone using those coaches have super high Win/Loss ratios like 585?
First of all, the top two coaches are Lynn and Garrett. See Phredd's post and I would confirm that based on anecdotal evidence. Which does not disconfirm the OP's point because those are still run-tactic coaches.
However, OP, do you think the top 200 don't use those same coaches? Top 300? Top 1000? It is an equal playing field and the top 100 are always in the top 100 for a reason. I am a substantial disparager of OD (even though I play it and am always Top 500); moreover, I don't think choosing a coach and building him up qualifies as a "skill". However, I tip my hat to the Top 100--they are better than me and most of us; they're not just "lucky".
Quote from Xenith606 >> Quote from Dbzfan614 >> Quote from Xenith606 >> I've been Top 25 both seasons and use Harbaugh exclusively. I've played against most of the top OD players and I can guarantee they would still be the top OD players if they weren't using Lynn. I can also guarantee you'd still be a salty no matter which coach you or any other player was using.
Quote from Bearsman16 >> No you just said they were cheap and didn’t have skills. My question to you is if you want to test your skills against some guys in the top 100. We can arrange it and pot results here. Let me know.
Sure shams2.0#1 is my handle in the game
Quote from Dbzfan614 >> Quote from Xenith606 >> I've been Top 25 both seasons and use Harbaugh exclusively. I've played against most of the top OD players and I can guarantee they would still be the top OD players if they weren't using Lynn. I can also guarantee you'd still be a salty no matter which coach you or any other player was using.
Good for you and as I was calling out Lynn n vrabel players. I bet these cream of the crop used nagy last year.
No you just said they were cheap and didn’t have skills. My question to you is if you want to test your skills against some guys in the top 100. We can arrange it and pot results here. Let me know.
Quote from jawabomb >>
I know right these middle schoolers can’t communicate without using profanity
Quote from Xenith606 >> I've been Top 25 both seasons and use Harbaugh exclusively. I've played against most of the top OD players and I can guarantee they would still be the top OD players if they weren't using Lynn. I can also guarantee you'd still be a salty no matter which coach you or any other player was using.
Good for you and as I was calling out Lynn n vrabel players. I bet these cream of the crop used nagy last year.
Quote from Bearsman16 >> Quote from Dbzfan614>> So I was spot checking od leaderboard today and I confirmed my hypothesis that most use Lynn or vrabel as their coach. These two are the cheapest coaches when it comes to def pressures. I know most will disagree with the following statement of: Most of these top 100 players are result of cheap coaches and not “skills” at reading def, selecting right plays, etc. If anyone from the top 100 disagrees with me I ask you to play with other than those two coaches next season and show us your “skills.” Anyways...happy Labor Day weekend all.
Quote from Dbzfan614>> So I was spot checking od leaderboard today and I confirmed my hypothesis that most use Lynn or vrabel as their coach. These two are the cheapest coaches when it comes to def pressures. I know most will disagree with the following statement of: Most of these top 100 players are result of cheap coaches and not “skills” at reading def, selecting right plays, etc. If anyone from the top 100 disagrees with me I ask you to play with other than those two coaches next season and show us your “skills.” Anyways...happy Labor Day weekend all.
Look slap dick, I’ve been top 50 both seasons and currently top 50 and don’t have either of those coaches unlocked. I’ve rolled Harbaugh and now Garrett. Am I cheating? Who do you want me to use? The guys in the top 100 aren’t there because of a coach. Lots of guys use Lynn that aren’t in the top 100. The difference is the player not the coach. If you want we can match up and play best of 10 and see how it works for you facing an inferior coach in Garrett. My guess is you would FC on game 1 and never come back. Cheers ass hat.
I've been Top 25 both seasons and use Harbaugh exclusively. I've played against most of the top OD players and I can guarantee they would still be the top OD players if they weren't using Lynn. I can also guarantee you'd still be a salty no matter which coach you or any other player was using.
Quote from Dbzfan614 >> Quote from jawabomb >> Coach and Captain choice is important, but there are tons of players using the best combo that won’t sniff the top 100. I’d say the biggest factors are skill, luck, and sheer volume of matches played.
I’ll disagree bc if you look at phfredd.s thread, it shows 50% of top 100 use Lynn cheapest coach in the game. Which helps my hypothesis that those players are product of the coach than skills. Volume shouldn’t make you a top player.
So I was spot checking od leaderboard today and I confirmed my hypothesis that most use Lynn or vrabel as their coach. These two are the cheapest coaches when it comes to def pressures. I know most will disagree with the following statement of: Most of these top 100 players are result of cheap coaches and not “skills” at reading def, selecting right plays, etc. If anyone from the top 100 disagrees with me I ask you to play with other than those two coaches next season and show us your “skills.” Anyways...happy Labor Day weekend all.