
Feedback Friday!

Hello Again MutHead!

A quick update before i ask my questions today:

If you missed the stream, here is the link 

Ryan and I discuss the new Flashbacks Changes, New Flashback Players, New Legends and Introduce Mike Vick. The entire team hopes you are enjoying the new Flashback changes and are excited to grind those new Legends this weekend. Just in case you missed it, Mike Vick AND Bo Jackson will be available in packs this Sunday!  I will be doing a Madden Mobile segment on Good Morning Madden every Friday so please check back in weekly for updates and info about new events/promotions. Alternating members of the Dev team will appear on the stream and i'll also bring up some community questions i observe/request during the week.

Now, onto the weekly feedback! These are important questions for the Dev team and your responses here will be appreciated.

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