EA has been responsive on Flashbacks, adjusting it twice, then adding new content last week. I commend them on adjusting but after stopping using stamina, even with 3 players sets almost done, after the first adjustment. I found by Saturday when I tried to sell Penn, that it wasn't worth the time or stamina again. Am I alone?
What are they still missing on this promo? Better, higher OVR players? Spread the content out so something new comes every week? Cost of sets outweighs value of rewards?
EA has been responsive on Flashbacks, adjusting it twice, then adding new content last week. I commend them on adjusting but after stopping using stamina, even with 3 players sets almost done, after the first adjustment. I found by Saturday when I tried to sell Penn, that it wasn't worth the time or stamina again. Am I alone?
What are they still missing on this promo? Better, higher OVR players? Spread the content out so something new comes every week? Cost of sets outweighs value of rewards?