
Can I get my training points back from the Masters Series player I don’t use anymore?

I didn’t get any Legends badge from finishing my last masters series player too early. Now I can’t get any of the training points back I used to power up a masters series player I don’t use anymore. I really did like Masters Series before I found this stuff out. It’s not cool that these happen to me. Can EA fix both of these issues please? Thanks


When you go to item exchange, as some of you claim to do frequently, and the masters on your bench are not there, you should have been aware that they were NEVER exchangeable. You got them for free in the first place. Put two and two together, and you would understand you are stuck with them for the long run and what you’re getting back in the end are stop gap players to bolster your roster for a little while as you make progress towards Master Mahomes.

Let’s not start complaint threads about how we didn’t pay attention and now we want a time machine. It’s a total of ten players over the course of an entire season. Plenty of other ways to get TP. Don’t complain about extracting some minor investments you made into players you got for free who helped your team improve and temporarily saved you coins at those positions while in your lineup. Don’t max out the next  ones, or at least don’t manually train them, if this bothers you so much.

A more worthwhile conversations would be that the offensive masters are not scheme selectable, the master series events are monotonous, and the concept of training/power/schemes are bogus in the first place.


I get the point of the blip but I don’t think you get “loads of coins, stamina...”. Chests give you a few, not a load. Specially whistles and patches, you need competitive OD for that.

As for the players not being exchangeable, I don’t recall have read anything about that. Some players are not auctionable, and I understand that, but they exchange for something else, this season, training points and front office points. 

(“Clearly” as in Kickoff points all of a sudden available on the Store? Hey! Not that I complain, I thought I’d never get Strahan, got him yesterday).

I think it’s very valid to ask for those when the player is no longer in your lineup, as you would do with any other player. Quote from Samfromfrisco


Quote from pooooooooooooper >> Quote from Samfromfrisco >> Quote from pooooooooooooper


I have kamara and juju on my bench fully trained.  That is probably 60k power coming back to me that I cant get.  All they need to do is create a fake trade in set for master series players where it siphons the power and returns it to your bench.


Quote from Samfromfrisco >> Quote from pooooooooooooper >> Quote from Samfromfrisco


Quote from pooooooooooooper >> Quote from Samfromfrisco >> Quote from pooooooooooooper

Quote from licky_zhoug >> the mahomes master series upgrade set may require some or nearly all of the previous masters

 I don’t like the thought of this, but I think you’re onto something with your theory.


Quote from Samfromfrisco >> Quote from pooooooooooooper >> Can I have some of my TP back though? It’s pretty difficult to upgrade power as it is and I don’t need subs. I’m not asking for all of it back, but some of it should come back. They could also make players easier to train and require less TP to train to the maximum. As it is now I feel like they stole my TP and that’s not a good feeling.

Agree OP. Dont like seeing that TP locked in those players.


Quote from pooooooooooooper >> Can I have some of my TP back though? It’s pretty difficult to upgrade power as it is and I don’t need subs. I’m not asking for all of it back, but some of it should come back. They could also make players easier to train and require less TP to train to the maximum. As it is now I feel like they stole my TP and that’s not a good feeling.

You have the TP. It’s in the players. If power is more important to you than OVR or scheme, use your highest power players. Training is easier than before because of the team experience points you get from playing almost any game mode. I have 1900+ power and rarely train manually with TP. I simply don’t understand what you feel you are entitled to here.


Can I have some of my TP back though? It’s pretty difficult to upgrade power as it is and I don’t need subs. I’m not asking for all of it back, but some of it should come back. They could also make players easier to train and require less TP to train to the maximum. As it is now I feel like they stole my TP and that’s not a good feeling.


You got free players with base 40 power. 

You earned loads of coins, stamina, gems, whistles, patches, and TP while building them.

You got most of your TP for free just from playing the game. Anything you added was by choice.

Your team got an advantage over time from the base power and the training.

The players now have 70 power, fully trained.

You can use these players as subs when you change a player at that position. You can add them back at any time if you’re low on power while training new players.

They probably have some use later, which is probably why they are not exchangeable or sellable. If they are useless later, then it was fun and helpful for a while, and again, they were free.

Not every card needs to have transaction value. The masters, in particular, are the path to 99 Mahomes, and some of them are helpful in your roster for a short time, at least.


Quote from licky_zhoug >> the mahomes master series upgrade set may require some or nearly all of the previous masters

 No reason the future sets should require the ok old masters. That would be stupid and a big waste of training. Plus all these other useless players you can't exchange.


not yet


Quote from tb17 >> Even if we have to exchange them, we should get our TP back like when we put guys up on the AH, this is something I never thought of but I Maxed out Juju planning to Front Office him, and now realize that's just completely gone to waste now since I can't Front Office him and the TP is stuck there

 Yeah I still have maxed out Juju on my team. Upgrading him seems like less of a priority now that I can’t get my TP back.


Quote from BillWalton >> The next master is the 6th one.  May it takes 5 upgraded masters to do the Dallas upgrade.  This also could mean you need to give up 88 Ramsey for the upgrade. Not sure it is a good idea.

 Even more choices??? That sounds awful.....


Even if we have to exchange them, we should get our TP back like when we put guys up on the AH, this is something I never thought of but I Maxed out Juju planning to Front Office him, and now realize that's just completely gone to waste now since I can't Front Office him and the TP is stuck there


The next master is the 6th one.  May it takes 5 upgraded masters to do the Dallas upgrade.  This also could mean you need to give up 88 Ramsey for the upgrade. Not sure it is a good idea.


Quote from licky_zhoug >> the mahomes master series upgrade set may require some or nearly all of the previous masters

 This. I’d be surprised if there isn’t some use for them down the road. And if you could trade them in, you’d just be complaining when that use goes live.


I don't think there is a way to get the tp back right now