
triple option switch need to be fixed

im not sure what cause it but sometimes when you pitch the ball to the full back and score a touchdown it doesnt count and you have to redo that down. you dont lose a down or anything, its like you never ran a play. i noticed it a few days ago when i scored a 50+ yard td in league vs league and the ball was put some where around the 40 yard line on my side of the field but i thought maybe i was tripping because i didnt lose a down.

i realized that i wasnt tripping and what i thought i seen actually happened because i was just doing a live event and i scored a td and it wasnt counted

Well I thought I was just imagining things when it happened to me. Wasnt the same play as yours, but I've had it happen a few times.


Happens with all plays, think it has something to do with the game's cashe/storage or something like that.


It's not just that play. I'm WC and this happens to me in Arena too-with multiple plays so it's not just one specific play that's broken. I'd suggest you mention it in the bugs section