So watching the stream, I was under the impression that you get a lantern, and if you lose the lantern bad things happen. Now, I started the season and compared to KO seasons, it seems a bit odd. I have won 2 straight games and lost my lantern and have been cursed, with -10 in certain attributes. I also havent had the option of signing any players.
I was hoping to play through the season to try out the new players and see how they are, etc. Im wondering if there is a glitch with the current season and do I need to restart it, or is this the way it is intended to be and I should just play through and players will come eventually? Or are there players at all?
Preferably, Id rather have the option of trying players out, to help see which one I might want to pick... Id also like to know if I should restart without having to spend any extra stamina.
So watching the stream, I was under the impression that you get a lantern, and if you lose the lantern bad things happen. Now, I started the season and compared to KO seasons, it seems a bit odd. I have won 2 straight games and lost my lantern and have been cursed, with -10 in certain attributes. I also havent had the option of signing any players.
I was hoping to play through the season to try out the new players and see how they are, etc. Im wondering if there is a glitch with the current season and do I need to restart it, or is this the way it is intended to be and I should just play through and players will come eventually? Or are there players at all?
Preferably, Id rather have the option of trying players out, to help see which one I might want to pick... Id also like to know if I should restart without having to spend any extra stamina.