
Player Scheme distribution for past 3 weeks

So I decided to do a little digging.  The way these numbers were determined was taking the total number of players in Root for each scheme since 9/20 and then move them up a week, then calculate the difference.  For example if a scheme had 15 players added since 9/20 and 10 players added since 9/27, the difference would be 5 players added week ending 9/27.

     Players added 85+  

  WE 10/18 WE 10/11 WE 10/4 WE 9/27 total WC 2 5


Quote from TeddyTwo >> Quote from ickyswood >> The thing is you really need to look at buildable vs pullable. 2 ogs that are prime time and one as a bonus for getting all 4 masters is different than building one as a phenom, legend, or in promo

Also consider the two most valuable programs. Legends and limited. West coast has short end of the stick


It's nice to see the real issue distilled down to the facts:

WC is being nerfed on purpose and EA is trolling everyone promising something new just around the corner when the reality is their intentions have nothing to do with their player satisfaction and everything to do with stEAling.. HAhahaha  ... Go buy a pack kid. Go beg Grandma for some apple tunes gift cards so you can spend $75 to get a fullback... You wanna be WC don't you? You're not some poor smashmouth are you who plays for free?


Quote from ickyswood >> The thing is you really need to look at buildable vs pullable. 2 ogs that are prime time and one as a bonus for getting all 4 masters is different than building one as a phenom, legend, or in promo

Also consider the two most valuable programs. Legends and limited. West coast has short end of the stick

Also consider master series because it will take úp an out of scheme position. 

This raw data doesn't tell us much. Promo players vs pullable mean a lot more

Data in general doesn't tell us much. But there is obviously something wrong.

Look at tight end for example. The two te for wc, one is a pack pullable sig only and the other is a team hero.


Would love input from you guys on the best players.  A lot of good minds here.

Quote from BA11>> These are just overall numbers and are only players 85+ (I think they were all 86+) since I presume that's what most players are looking for here on MH.   This doesn't include players added this current week since it is not over. (edit - decided to make it for 4 weeks)


Quote from BillWalton >> Isn't it the right way to do a profitable business?  You have many WC users and you make them spend cash to buy signature or spend cash for stamina to build difficult sets.

 The right way to lose business you mean.


Quote from Huskdog18 >> Quote from Ailman >> Quote from zekker_16


Isn't it the right way to do a profitable business?  You have many WC users and you make them spend cash to buy signature or spend cash for stamina to build difficult sets.


Quote from ickyswood >> The thing is you really need to look at buildable vs pullable. 2 ogs that are prime time and one as a bonus for getting all 4 masters is different than building one as a phenom, legend, or in promo

Also consider the two most valuable programs. Legends and limited. West coast has short end of the stick

Also consider master series because it will take úp an out of scheme position. 

This raw data doesn't tell us much. Promo players vs pullable mean a lot more

Data in general doesn't tell us much. But there is obviously something wrong.

Look at tight end for example. The two te for wc, one is a pack pullable sig only and the other is a team hero.


The thing is you really need to look at buildable vs pullable. 2 ogs that are prime time and one as a bonus for getting all 4 masters is different than building one as a phenom, legend, or in promo

Also consider the two most valuable programs. Legends and limited. West coast has short end of the stick

Also consider master series because it will take úp an out of scheme position. 

This raw data doesn't tell us much. Promo players vs pullable mean a lot more

Data in general doesn't tell us much. But there is obviously something wrong.

Look at tight end for example. The two te for wc, one is a pack pullable sig only and the other is a team hero.


The problem is that the best WC cards have been primetime or signature, they are cards that you can only get by paying.

EA has been pampering us Spread players and I’m loving it :)


Quote from Huskdog18 >> Quote from Ailman >> Quote from zekker_16


Quote from Ailman >> Quote from zekker_16 >> Quote from Ailman


QB WR TE HB/fb C OT OG SM 3 3 1 5 2 3 3 Spread 4 4 2 5 1


Since Sept 20th with 85+ players. 

WC: 1 FB, 3 HB, 3 OG, 1 OT, 3 QB, 2 TE, 3 WR Vert:  1C, 4 HB, 2 OG, 1 OT, 1 QB, 1 TE, 6 WR Spread: 1C, 5 HB, 2 OG, 1 OT, 3 QB, 2 TE, 4 WR SM: 2C, 1FB, 4HB, 3 OG, 3 OT, 3 QB, 1 TE, 3 WR


Quote from zekker_16 >> Quote from Ailman >> How many are repeat positions like the 4 QBs West Coast got in the last few weeks? Also how easy were the cards to get like the two WC OGs that were only available in boom or bust packs? Like the one where I had to pay 1.7 million coins for?

 The funny part we only need 1 QB on lineup, for example today prime time players why give us another QB when u gave already 2 in a period of 2 weeks I mean they're not eve better than the ones before. Instead of giving us another useless QB cause that wentz isn't better than Prescott or Luck stat wisely, hey give us a new OT or one receiver with decent stats beside amari or a Center cause Bradbury is far behind the new C and Hudson there's no point on mentioning him


Quote from Ailman >> How many are repeat positions like the 4 QBs West Coast got in the last few weeks? Also how easy were the cards to get like the two WC OGs that were only available in boom or bust packs? Like the one where I had to pay 1.7 million coins for?

 The funny part we only need 1 QB on lineup, for example today prime time players why give us another QB when u gave already 2 in a period of 2 weeks I mean they're not eve better than the ones before. Instead of giving us another useless QB cause that wentz isn't better than Prescott or Luck stat wisely, hey give us a new OT or one receiver with decent stats beside amari or a Center cause Bradbury is far behind the new C and Hudson there's no point on mentioning him


Schemes seem to be built, disorganized, and pushed on the community just like OD. No one likes the concepts of schemes and playing the shit show of OD, but EA makes it to where your favorite player is usually an out of scheme player, and they make the only way to progress and advance your coach and captain is by playing the scam of a mode in OD. The game is becoming less and less desirable to play as the weeks go on


Quote from Versace_3Hunna >> Data is always useful as it’s not based on opinion. With that said, I would like to see the positional scheme distribution. I’d much rather have less overall players of the scheme I’m in if all positions receive a decent, obtainable upgrade. Obviously that’s not the case for pretty much every scheme, but that’s something I would like to see happen

 from a post back on the 11th: (this is from the beginning of the game and qb #s include the 87 CT Luck) did a quick comparison with 87, 88 players with new players coming out. 

Spread 15. 2 legends. 4 qb, 4 ol, 3 hb, 2 wr, 1 te, 1 fb


Data is always useful as it’s not based on opinion. With that said, I would like to see the positional scheme distribution. I’d much rather have less overall players of the scheme I’m in if all positions receive a decent, obtainable upgrade. Obviously that’s not the case for pretty much every scheme, but that’s something I would like to see happen