Quote from umbra_007 >> Yes - I just posted the details in a thread https://old.muthead.com/forums/madden-nfl-mobile/madden-nfl-mobile-discussion/1530170-updated-ah-price-caps-info-good-news
Thanks for that I put it in my notes for future reference
seeing 118k BID prices on 85 MF players when it was 237k just a few hours ago... makes me wonder/think everything might have been cut in half..
Yes - I just posted the details in a thread https://old.muthead.com/forums/madden-nfl-mobile/madden-nfl-mobile-discussion/1530170-updated-ah-price-caps-info-good-news
Yep, you’re right. They changed them... Seeing those Matt Ryan’s for under 100k
Great deals for anyone who waited to buy the cards to build MF masters... I did not
Gone?? Lower them?? Saw a thread where 86 ovr minimum was 3??,??? k Seeing them now for less than 200k bin. Also 84 fof started showing near 100k. Maybe I am wrong??