Quote from mcmattyb >> Anyways I didn’t know you I just started muthead this year but I always liked reading your post man I am sorry to see you go keep in touch man the community needs a insightful guy like you take care man
Yeah, I hope 9erB will enjoy it more than I. It was fun while it lasted but time for something else.
Quote from The_mad_den >> For someone that's been playing Madden for a while, I remembered playing you on OD unranked and you didn't have a clue on how to run back for safeties to maximize pts.
I guess that's why I'm outta here...also, I never do that, so...sorry.
Anyways I didn’t know you I just started muthead this year but I always liked reading your post man I am sorry to see you go keep in touch man the community needs a insightful guy like you take care man
I played him last year in od I called him and wolf man for some reason and you really can give your account away seriously
For someone that's been playing Madden for a while, I remembered playing you on OD unranked and you didn't have a clue on how to run back for safeties to maximize pts.
Quote from peanutbuttersamich >> 1.403 2. N 3. cereal 4. I would treat it like my own child, and if you ever wanted it back I would surely give it to you. Hope I win!💯
missed it by about 15 minutes, Mr. Samich...
1.403 2. N 3. cereal 4. I would treat it like my own child, and if you ever wanted it back I would surely give it to you. Hope I win!💯
AND...The WINNER is...........
9erB in what was a spookly close race between himself, Syncro973 and bLu. Wow.
AND, this raffle is CLOSED...going to the super computer to calculate a WINNER....
Quote from hawskee >> MP, it's disappointing to see a long-time committed player like yourself decide to call it quits. But, I support your decision. Always appreciate reading your thought-provoking posts and respect how you're not afraid to voice your opinion. Hopefully, you can still find a way to contribute here as you're a very valuable voice of the community.
1) 359 2) P for pimp 3) Oatmeal 4) To keep the MaddenPimp name alive
thank you, hawksee
Quote from robertk328 >> Thanks for finally quitting a second time! Actually won two raffles this week :lol:
that was my sole purpose, RobertK328. It was a noble sacrifice, but I am glad that it worked...
MP, it's disappointing to see a long-time committed player like yourself decide to call it quits. But, I support your decision. Always appreciate reading your thought-provoking posts and respect how you're not afraid to voice your opinion. Hopefully, you can still find a way to contribute here as you're a very valuable voice of the community.
1) 359 2) P for pimp 3) Oatmeal 4) To keep the MaddenPimp name alive
Thanks for finally quitting a second time! Actually won two raffles this week :lol:
Quote from ForumsMobile >> 727 Green Lobster You're going to regret it
ha, just seeing this...
Well, I “quit” before, last year, but gave the game a chance again this year and really liked Madden Series, Legends, Sets and some other stuff enough to overlook the deeply flawed gameplay/animations and continued reliance on OD. While this is not caused by last night’s belly flop on Most Feared, that did make me think how I continue to play hoping for improvements that are not going to come, and although I like the interactions here, ROOT and league Slack chat, the game just isn’t fun anymore because of the wacky gameplay/animations.
Still, I played half decent, so I have a stocked 89/90/87 OVR Vertical schemed account (8M coins, 1200-ish MC, 324 stamina & madden series packs on bench) for someone who can get more enjoyment out of it, than me. It’s in the top 500 now for this OD season, I got Ray-Ray and all 8 MF Masters + 2 versions of Evans. It has a ton of crap on the bench that could be used in sets, FO, or sold on the AH that never sells anything anymore. It has enough Legends badges for almost 2 more Legends and close to 1.5 Phenoms. It has 7 or so evolvable players with most of the assets filled for their 92 OVR upgrades. It’s a pretty sweet team.