
Non-Vert Players. Getting to 50k this month or not?

It was always fun trying to get to 50k just for the challenge and the player but it looks like he won't even be sellable or useable for the majority of players. So what's the plan. Get to 45k and stop? Stop before then? Get to 50k and just use him for TP/FOP if possible?

If there's any use for him I may go for the 50k, but if he can't even be exchanged or used as upgrade fodder...then wow this month is real bad for non-Very players


Quote from TheMaddenGuru24 >> If I end up getting him he's just going to sit on my bench until they give me an alternate use for him. Should have used someone else as the master imo, completely undesirable to nearly anybody who plays competitively (and those are the ones that are most likely to get to 50k points).

 Not a vert schemer but this is mostly how I feel. If I do get him I’ll try him out. Maybe somehow he’s awesome leveled up but we will see. Not going to sweat it if I don’t though as he’s not mobile that I’d prefer.


If I end up getting him he's just going to sit on my bench until they give me an alternate use for him. Should have used someone else as the master imo, completely undesirable to nearly anybody who plays competitively (and those are the ones that are most likely to get to 50k points).


Quote from phfredd >> I wont spend to grind him but I bet it will happen naturally just from doing the sets/series/daily 

 I took that approach for Ray, but fell well short. In the end, I didn’t feel like paying 4 mil in Grab Bags for him, especially after Gronk dropped as an LB.


I'm not going for any masters this month, and not going in on either of the 4,000 gems.  

But if grab bags get cheap enough again, I might end up with a good amount of Rttp points just through those.  I had to stop building them last month to make sure not to get Ray too early and waste the RTTP points you get from daily goals.


Quote from ickyswood >> absolutely not. there isn't a WC player worth it. Teddy is fine but not worth it. If Stills or Manning  was WC I would have thought about it

oops I thought you meant buying a field pass.

either way, no

 I don't mind the player selections from EA but Kenny Stills? EA he's the WR that will never have 10 TDs or 1000 yards. He's a number 3 or 4 WR. He's just on a great team this year. They really should have looked at someone like Chark, Sutton, Boyd or somebody else


I wont spend to grind him but I bet it will happen naturally just from doing the sets/series/daily


Vert user and still skipping. I need a mobile QB.


Took me over 10k in grab bags to get Lewis, so definitely not gonna waste coins getting Manning when I wouldn’t use him.

I have no interest in a Vertical Manning. Definitely not spending for the field pass.


Not getting 30 from me this time. Bad move fellas


Yeah, if he can't be used for anything then why even go for him?

I would if I could exchange/evolve him.

I assume they will get far fewer monthly passes this time around.


im not going for 50k this time. ill take my 2x 91s and save for thanksgiving.


Scrambling is too important for me considering how terrible my offensive line and with speedier defenders, I can’t have no out-of-scheme snail on my team


Not worth it as a GM. FO goodies are only for Team History, so no again. At least the division sets give legend badges again.


I use vert and will not be going for 50K


Pretty Sure he can't be exchanged, used in any sets or for Evo. A complete and total waste unless he's your favorite player.

For very obvious reasons they should either have stuck to Defense only for these grand masters or made them scheme select.


Quote from Samfromfrisco >> It’s a mixed blessing to have an undesirable master. More time and stamina for other projects. I’m all for it. Hope the actual TG promo is good. I appreciated that all three players were obtainable and maxable last season.

 True. There’s always a silver lining. Just Stack resources for Feast


Quote from Riceninja >> I would try just so I can evolve Moss to 94 :)

 Can’t use Manning to evolve if he’s like Lewis


I would try just so I can evolve Moss to 94 :)


I'm a Vert user and it's a hard