
Captain Issue

Hey All,

The new captains released today feature a bug where the captains are able to be leveled past their intended cap of 20. Due to this issue, we'll be performing a fix where the new captains will be updated and reset to level 1. For any users who have spent captain patches upgrading these new captains, you will be refunded in full at the time of the captain update. For any users who have one of these captains equipped at the time of the fix, they will be replaced with starting captain, Patrick Mahomes.

Will update further when I have more. This fix will be out within 24 hours. 



The in game pop up was an excellent example of the specific and direct communication we have been asking for for years. Very well done.


Quote from Lambert58 >> Did u lock them from being opened? Before I saw this I won like 15k points in od with elway - which is fkn painful to do - and still Goodwin not open for me

Same with my Allen and Juszczyk


Wait what?  EA released something that was broken???


Quote from yaomingbetterthanmj >> Quote from TheyCallMeRed >> Quote from Lambert58 >>


Thanks for the update on here and in-game.

Quote from TheyCallMeRed >> Quote from Lambert58 >> Did u lock them from being opened? Before I saw this I won like 15k points in od with elway - which is fkn painful to do - and still Goodwin not open for me

I think that is a separate issue, but EA is aware of it.

 Btw, I just played someone with level 25 Kyle FB


Quote from Lambert58 >> Did u lock them from being opened? Before I saw this I won like 15k points in od with elway - which is fkn painful to do - and still Goodwin not open for me

I think that is a separate issue, but EA is aware of it.


so confused


Did u lock them from being opened? Before I saw this I won like 15k points in od with elway - which is fkn painful to do - and still Goodwin not open for me


Quote from valoyin3 >> the captains are still blocked, I have scored more than 15,000 points in OD with the captain requirement and nothing

 Ok I thought I was going crazy. I cant use Winslow anymore he's awful. I was wondering why Hooper wasn't unlocking


Did ea lock the captain so that we can't level him?  They should let us get the captain and level hung up while they get the fix out.  This is an unfair competitive advantage for anyone who already unlock him.


the captains are still blocked, I have scored more than 15,000 points in OD with the captain requirement and nothing


Dang, thought this was going to be an update to OhCaptain20's Matthew Stafford request....  :sad:


Quote from carlson126 >> How do we get the elite captains patch so that we can upgrade our current captains further?

 Competitive Sets, check them


How do we get the elite captains patch so that we can upgrade our current captains further?


Great job and loved the use of the pop up message!! Keep up the great work!


As a passive OD player that only tries to HoF each "season" because of the rewards... (hint, hint, for arena or whatever)...


Thanks for the update Nick.