
Path To Greatness Thread

Post Reactions/Issues/Thoughts here so we can try to keep it all in one place.




Are we ever gonna get the achievements fixed, so I can get the final banners i need for 91 kr?


Quote from Pinetree622 >> Quote from Dan_The_MUT_Man21 >> Hey Messina, is there any way we can get a banner exchange? 91 Wilson is the last master released, and I don’t really think it’s all that fair to give people who want him only 2 days to earn all 40 NFC West badges they need for him. Will cost way too much stamina. A banner exchange would be great!


Quote from Dan_The_MUT_Man21 >> Hey Messina, is there any way we can get a banner exchange? 91 Wilson is the last master released, and I don’t really think it’s all that fair to give people who want him only 2 days to earn all 40 NFC West badges they need for him. Will cost way too much stamina. A banner exchange would be great!

 I think you mean BADGE exchange set, but yeah, I think that would be nice.

Hey Messina, is there any way we can get a badge exchange? 91 Wilson is the last master released, and I don’t really think it’s all that fair to give people who want him only 2 days to earn all 40 NFC West badges they need for him. Will cost way too much stamina. A badge exchange would be great!


Quote from zachc25 >> I appreciate the info. what is in those packs?

 Upon completing the achievement, you’ll get an Ultra Achievement Pack. Inside that pack is an 82+ OVR RttP player.


I appreciate the info. what is in those packs?


Quote from zachc25 >> Is there a list somewhere of the divisional achievements that allow me to finish the 'Walk the Path' achievement?

 its no like ea ever messes up or anything but the description for that achievement is incorrect. you need to build 2 ptg masters to complete that achievement. grind is not worth that reward tbh...


Is there a list somewhere of the divisional achievements that allow me to finish the 'Walk the Path' achievement?


Anyone else having trouble claiming the 91 rttp master? Asking for a league mate, says he clicks on claim and it’s not loading. He uninstalled and reinstalled app a couple times and still nothing, also clicked all over the box. It’s nfc master series and stage 1 chest..I tried looking for another thread but couldn’t find anything. Thanks for the help.

Update: got it to work


I like the structure of more stamina. It gives you time to do the other things in the game. I like to complete all daily goals except season.(too long). Nice to see new paths in the master series practice rounds. My only complaint is taking my stamina on the one td blitz event. I usually only fit a few of these in a day and it seems they like to make you lose the 1st one. Then you can spam all day. For us guys that only do it a couple times a day that loss is no bueno. Would be nice if that had the entrance fee like legends event. Play til you win. They always did this in past years for the expensive events. Missing so far this season.


Quote from ea_messina >> Quote from shane6783 >> Be nice we would have got a response from someone regarding these issues...

  1. will there be other ways to get global banners/possible set conversions etc  
  2. will people that completed the afc north path and not get the achievement eventually get it?

  3. when will the 1000 yard objectives be fixed?


Looked promising for everyone including EA.. but let's be clear it's an utter disaster.  Fact no spin.


Will any exchange sets be coming?


Quote from tb17 >> Am I the only one that seems to care about the XP not even being close to the Stamina rewards? Almost every other event has a basically 1 to 1 stamina-exp ratio (meaning if you play legends for 50 stam you get 50 xp or so not including bonuses). But this promo caps everything at 25 xp so when you're playing  100 -150 stamina events you only get 1/4-1/6th of the XP you would if you played anything else. It's made powering up my players a lot slower this time around. 

 I will provide this feedback.


Am I the only one that seems to care about the XP not even being close to the Stamina rewards? Almost every other event has a basically 1 to 1 stamina-exp ratio (meaning if you play legends for 50 stam you get 50 xp or so not including bonuses). But this promo caps everything at 25 xp so when you're playing  100 -150 stamina events you only get 1/4-1/6th of the XP you would if you played anything else. It's made powering up my players a lot slower this time around.


ah ok, thank you. I didnt see that response


Quote from Nateb78 >> I've played everything in the AFC North twice and it still says I havent completed the path. What am I missing? They all have green checkmarks but i dont have the reward. 

 Like Nick said it is a bug and you will have to wait a while to get it fixed. It's not like the reward is going to be a make or break type of thing right away. We got a month so I'm sure they will have it figured out soon.


I've played everything in the AFC North twice and it still says I havent completed the path. What am I missing? They all have green checkmarks but i dont have the reward.


Quote from shane6783 >> Be nice we would have got a response from someone regarding these issues...

  1. will there be other ways to get global banners/possible set conversions etc  
  2. will people that completed the afc north path and not get the achievement eventually get it?

  3. when will the 1000 yard objectives be fixed?  

  4. can we lower the cool down timers or give us more to do than just one event and 1 path per week?

     There's 8 maps, so there will be plenty of opportunities to get more banners. It's the first couple days of the promo, let it play out a bit, i think you'll find some answers there.


I don’t mind the huge stamina cost and the sets are fine.  But the whole promo feels like a boom/bust endeavor.  You can’t sell what you don’t need.  Badges and 86’s are scarce.   Without exchange sets, it defeats the purpose.  I am all for big stamina costs with slow timers for big progress.... we are missing the second part.