Oh man, I wish I saw this thread prior to evo for Troy, I would’ve been happy blowing 2k GEMs on BoB packs even tho I’ve yet to hit this year in madden
Quote from RandyHedberg >> Wish I would have seen this thread earlier lol. Spent 2k gems and still at IV.
You’ll be fine 👍
Wish I would have seen this thread earlier lol. Spent 2k gems and still at IV.
Yeah thanks nick tell ea next time they give out raises you should be the first one to get one. I got plenty of free stamina from the arena so I can save my gems just let us know when it is fixed aight bud
Quote from ea_messina >> Team is off today. I suspect this will be addressed when we get in tomorrow with a fix before the week is out. Can't say for sure though
thanks for the update and thanks for being around still while your colleagues are off
Quote from ea_messina >> Its purely a power issue. That's why you cant upgrade him again in the same set. Unfortunately this will take some maneuvering to not create more issues so gonna have to sit tight.
thanks for the update. I will be looking forward to getting him to 50 power here soon
Team is off today. I suspect this will be addressed when we get in tomorrow with a fix before the week is out. Can't say for sure though
Quote from sanyo2 >> Yep. Just spent 2k gems to get 40 power again :)
It'll be fixed, I'm sure.
Quote from shane6783 >> How long should this really take? I usually am fine with stuff but damn releasing a glitched player and still not fixed etc? Ppl got excited getting him then crushing them after upgrading...
It’s a Sunday and you can still use him. I’m sure it’ll be fixed soon.
Quote from MarthMarthMarth >> They still didnt even take down set yet, lol. Wonder how many more people got screwed over. Unreal
If you’re screwed over it’s going to be for what, maybe 24 hours? The new card looks like it has a different ID so my guess is those with that ID will be bumped to 50. All of them are 40, not 50 so someone definitely goofed but not like it can’t be fixed.
Don’t do player releases Sunday if you can not fix issues that come with it. Make them Monday etc this is ridiculous
How long should this really take? I usually am fine with stuff but damn releasing a glitched player and still not fixed etc? Ppl got excited getting him then crushing them after upgrading...
Quote from KrisC_Gmen >> Did any of you look at the set before throwing him in? It clearly shows you get the same exact card back with the same power. Maybe EA made a mistake, but so did you. Why would you redeem a set and use 2K gems when set shoes and states you gets same overall and same power back?
Most assumed it was the same as all the rest and didn't notice.
I pulled him in 4 tries and never even thought about that set since I don't have what I need to evolve rn anyway.
Guessing some ppl just wanted the 50 Pow right away.
Pulled Troy
Put him in the 2k Gem evolve set.
Came out Power IV again - max trained Can't even put him back in the set.
A new glitch/game breakage 😣