
Troy Polamalu Update

Hey All!

Going to create a set for you to upgrade him to 50 power. The 50 power upgrade is 100% free for anyone who has the item. You only have to spend the 2k to make him evolvable. 

Problem is, we need him to not be on the AH, so we made the current 40 power item N/A. Once you upgrade him to 50 FOR FREE, he will be Auctionable again and function as normal. We need to wait for them to all come off the AH to send out the upgrade sets to the proper owners, so it could be up to 72 hours. As soon as the upgrade sets are planned to be sent out, I will let you know. 

You will be getting some Training Points back, but I would hold off on doing anything with Troy until you get the sets. 


Update with some Q/A

Q: What about the people that already paid 2K gems to evolve him without realizing it? Will we be getting our gems back?

A: So you didn't "waste" your gems. He is eligible for evolution as is, he just has the wrong power. The set is completely free to anyone that has him, that's why we have to wait for the AH ones to come down.

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