
Madden Mobile Segment 11/14

Hey All!

Big Madden Mobile Segment of Good Morning Madden today!! If you didn't get a chance to watch, i suggest you do here:

First, we discussed the Troy P fix, WHICH IS DROPPING WITHIN THE HOUR. Watch for my post, use the GC's as resources if you're confused. Requires putting him into a set, will clarify on another post. Achievements are our number one bug priority, fixes coming ASAP. Also discussed badge trade-in and 86 blockage issues. Hoping to have more for you soon.

Then got into the MONDAY UPDATE. SIM BUTTON, Arena Updates and Repetition Difficulty all included in the update on Monday, with some limitations. Sim button will begin on 1 event and slowly expand from there. Arena updates don't kick in until this competitive season is over and it resets. Includes Arena Leaderboards and Multiple Match capability (Up to 5). Repetition Difficulty will function on launch.

Likely will hop on stream tomorrow and drop Legends and discuss PTG Map 5. Dropped an image from Sim Button Testing for context as well. You win every time on the AUTO button, sorry for not specifying.

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