As mentioned last week, I am off-site for a work function today. However, I did want to drop in this morning and share some info.
The Auto Button is being pushed to later this week. I've asked EA_Ferwarda to come on to the forums if his schedule allows, so keep an eye out for any posts he makes regarding this change. It needs some more work and it is especially important that this is rolled out correctly.
We have a number of other updates coming out today, including the scheme requirement reduction. There will be some in game messaging about this, with a link to a gridiron notes that explains the new changes. Once it goes live, ill try and post the explanation here.
I'll be on stream tomorrow most likely to catch up with everyone. Enjoy your Monday!!
Hey All,
As mentioned last week, I am off-site for a work function today. However, I did want to drop in this morning and share some info.
The Auto Button is being pushed to later this week. I've asked EA_Ferwarda to come on to the forums if his schedule allows, so keep an eye out for any posts he makes regarding this change. It needs some more work and it is especially important that this is rolled out correctly.
We have a number of other updates coming out today, including the scheme requirement reduction. There will be some in game messaging about this, with a link to a gridiron notes that explains the new changes. Once it goes live, ill try and post the explanation here.
I'll be on stream tomorrow most likely to catch up with everyone. Enjoy your Monday!!