

Hey All,

Dev Team Member Metante the Beat Maker has come to me and asked who you'd like as a VIDEO ART PLAYER for Ultimate Freeze!!! So what does that mean? A video art player item is someone who would have a short video clip as their art and would be a unique item inside the UF promo. I can't give specifics on the promo details itself, but we'd like suggestions from the people! Here's how you enter:

1) List the player you want to see 2) Link/provide the clip you'd like to see as the art (Try and link proper time in the URL as well) 3) Give some details why he would be a great player for video art prestige 4) I won't require this, but showing Metante + team some love for their incorporation of the community would be cool ;)

1 submission per user and this will end on Wednesday, 11/27. The Dev Team will decide what player + art is chosen. If your art is selected, you will receive the player item when it releases during the promo.

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