Thanks hawk but still does not answer compensation for arena being finished. That will be reset Monday. Overdrive week after so def different
Joe Montana was in the first year of MM. EA hasn’t has the rights to him since.
Quote from shane6783 >> So nick with the new clipboards requirement will there be anything addressed regarding this? A lot of people have finished arena and in hof in od without getting clipboards for the people that have not played or played very little get a competitive advantage for not playing And rank up now? Or will something be done about this?
He responded to this here:
So nick with the new clipboards requirement will there be anything addressed regarding this? A lot of people have finished arena and in hof in od without getting clipboards for the people that have not played or played very little get a competitive advantage for not playing And rank up now? Or will something be done about this?
Quote from ickyswood >> was there anything mentioned about flashbacks?
None in November.
Quote from morgane144 >> When David Carr gets a legend card...but Joe Montana and Brett Favre don’t have one.
Either they have bigger plans for them or more likely just not the rights to use them in game. I had to google David Carr tho, so... yeah his choice is still a bit weird. Guess the rights to use him were on discount so they had to go for it :lol:
When David Carr gets a legend card...but Joe Montana and Brett Favre don’t have one.
Would it be possible to get an “Urlacher is not the grandmaster” quote if that is indeed the case?
People are freakin out 🤣
David Carr's Record by year:
2002 - 4-12 2003 - 3-8 2004 - 7-9 2005 - 2-14 2006 - 6-10 2007-2012 - Backup w/ Panthers/Giants/Niners
This guy. This guy who never had a winning record, ever, is a Legend? Really, EA? Really?
David Carr is a legend if you consider his NFL all time record for sacks in one season.
Wait what!!!!???????? DavidCarr legend hahahahhahahahahahajahjahahahajajahajajjajajajajajajajajajajahhahahahaja
Legends still the same OVR as MF players, hmm. Seems like they should be 91s by now.
Quote from doctorjsh >> EA_messina - anyway those already at OD and Arena HOF could get the clipboards they lost out on just being at HOF before everyone else? Seems kind of unfair.
When do clipboards start?
EA_messina - anyway those already at OD and Arena HOF could get the clipboards they lost out on just being at HOF before everyone else? Seems kind of unfair.
Quote from stairwaytose7en >> wow - you were actually serious about the David Carr legend card. Not saying that you wouldn't be truthful with us, but I am just shocked. The guy never had one successful season in the NFL.
It's like the spread Josh Allen card I was joking about with him that popped up in game a few weeks later. I dig it
wow - you were actually serious about the David Carr legend card. Not saying that you wouldn't be truthful with us, but I am just shocked. The guy never had one successful season in the NFL.
Hey All,
There was a sweet and spicy Madden Mobile Segment of Good Morning Madden today!! If you didn't get a chance to watch, check it out here:
Dev Team member Kidwell joined me and we went over Madden Feast!! Dropping Sunday at 8 PM ET. We also released Legends but weren't able to show the visuals on-screen, I've posted them here to slightly make up for it.
Don't forget to fill out your entry for the ULTIMATE FREEZE VIDEO ART CONTENT posted on the forums. The streams have been jam-packed lately so I haven't been able to answer questions live yet, but check out the thread, some were answered until I get a chance to do it on the stream. Thanks for your patience on that. PTG Map 8 also dropped today, so get your Wilson/Armstead Masters!!
If you have any questions about Lineup Boosters let me know. Still working on the PTG Achievement fixes for you as well.