
RTTP Diamond Select Pack (NFC) BF set or AFC from the details

Do you know if this is a NFC Master Pack like the set describes or is it AFC like the Details when you view the info, any clarity? Needed the NFC Punter but if its AFC, might just go the Limited BoB 85 sets.  Was hoping it was just a typo on EA part

Roots Description  RttP Diamond Select Pack (NFC) Cost: 650 Blitz Tickets Description: Exchange 650 Blitz Tickets to select 1 of 6 91 OVR RttP Masters from the NFC.

Get Blitz Tickets from Black Friday events, sets, and packs. Rewards: Pack: NFC Master Pack (view packlist); Card: Black Friday Master Badge Black Friday Edition; Black Friday Master Badge Black Friday Edition; Black Friday Master Badge Black Friday Edition; Black Friday Master Badge Black Friday Edition; Black Friday Master Badge Black Friday Edition; Black Friday Master Badge Black Friday Edition


Quote from Ph33rTrey >> Quote from hawskee >> The pack contents when clicking the pack is incorrect. It is a choice of an NFC RttP 91 OVR Master.

 alright thank you 

 Yeah, when you click the pack inside the set, it will show you the correct NFC pack reward if you scroll all the way to the right.


Quote from hawskee >> The pack contents when clicking the pack is incorrect. It is a choice of an NFC RttP 91 OVR Master.

 alright thank you


The pack contents when clicking the pack is incorrect. It is a choice of an NFC RttP 91 OVR Master.