
Madden Mobile Segment 12/9

Hey All,

The Madden Mobile Segment returned after the weekend with a few updates, Captains changes, some Primetime Players and a recap of the Field of Freeze calendar that dropped on Friday! If you didn't get a chance to watch, see here:

PSA: The captain bounus' have been fixed! Arena rewards are being worked on and coming soon! Your progress is saved so don't worry. Once they go out ill update this post. 

Icky's Transcript:

1) Madden Mobile December Calendar Recap 2) Captain's Bonus Changes (Listed below) 3) Primetime Players: Lane Johnson (Spread OT) + Markus Golden (LB) 4) SPECIAL STREAM TOMORROW FOR FIELD OF FREEZE! 5) Madden Live with Noob this Friday at 11am!

65 base Kyle Juszczyk - 2x rush of 25+ yds -> 2x rush of 20+ yds John Elway - 6x passing fd -> 4x passing fd Andrew Luck - 100+ rec yds with te ->


If EA changes the requirements you should be able to trade in for your captain patches.

The idea is you look at the requirements and choose the captain.  EA making the change to Bakhtiari blows him up for me. Sure if no run challenges I can get the 8, but if I need to run the ball some, 8 is very, very difficult. This is the kind of change that drives players crazy.

EA wants us to play OD, but this is the kind of change that makes you just throw in the towel on that aspect of the game. Totally unnecessary.


Quote from bLu >> Quote from tb17 >> Quote from bLu >>


I have to ask the same question. They completely screwed up the captains this time. I’m going to stop short of saying that they don’t play the game much, if at all before making the changes, but it sure looks like it. Bakhtiari and Godwin are now almost impossible to make the bonus unless you completely ignore your opponents coaching tactics. I don’t want to just sit here and criticize them, because I’m sure they’re trying to put out their best product, but sometimes I have to ask myself if they even play the game.


Let me preface this by saying that I try my best not to get on Muthead to criticize anyone, including EA. And I’m sure this comment will be buried by the Freeze Promo, but I’ll say it anyway. I just don’t understand the logic behind some of these changes to the captains. The previous settings were actually fair for the first time this season. Do you guys play the game before making changes, or do you just blindly make the change without any idea of the consequences? For example, the Bakhtiari and Godwin changes basically make it impossible to get the bonus unless you completely ignore the other players Coach Tactics and accept you’ll be giving you opponent all of those points. I’ve played roughly 3,000 overdrive matches this season, and I am consistently in the top 100 over the last 3 seasons of madden. Since the change was made I have lost every single matchup that wasn’t also against Godwin or Bakhtiari, regardless of the level of my opponent. Just another example of EA trying to fix something that wasn’t broken and screwing it up royally.


Wait od is still a mode i still think the death of it was the new arena mode

Quote from KrisC_Gmen >> They changed the requirements and the bonuses they give. Guess EA just wants to force more people to quit the game. Kudos job well done. (Nick, know the decision wasn’t yours so no offense to you) EA needs to get a clue and stop fixing things that aren’t broken. First making sets more of a Pain to load,  or changing captains (we put our resources into a captain based off of these things, not like we leveled all of them up and can just switch them out all the time on a whim). Trying to figure out what’s next, knowing EA they think everyone loves OD so much that they’ll change EVERY event in the game to an OD event

 yeah this is going to really deplete the over half a million captain badges i have..


Have fun!


Quote from bLu >> Quote from tb17 >> Quote from bLu >>


Quote from tb17 >> Quote from bLu >> I'm surprised they buffed Luck considering he is one of the top tier captains.

This is the single dumbest change, a top tier 14-sec captain that can easily achieve his bonus gets even easier. Do you developers even play this game?

 I was super surprised too...but it really doesn't change much as hes already probably a top 3 used captain and will maybe go to top 1 or 2 after this. 100 TE yards was achievable about 95% of the time for me. This buff just means an extra 1 or 2 plays to bomb to WR.


Thanks for the recap as usual. The best OD update would be to kill OD for good


Quote from bLu >> I'm surprised they buffed Luck considering he is one of the top tier captains.

This is the single dumbest change, a top tier 14-sec captain that can easily achieve his bonus gets even easier. Do you developers even play this game?

 I was super surprised too...but it really doesn't change much as hes already probably a top 3 used captain and will maybe go to top 1 or 2 after this. 100 TE yards was achievable about 95% of the time for me. This buff just means an extra 1 or 2 plays to bomb to WR.




I'm surprised they buffed Luck considering he is one of the top tier captains.

This is the single dumbest change, a top tier 14-sec captain that can easily achieve his bonus gets even easier. Do you developers even play this game?


I don't think Saquon's going to be possible unless you ignore pressures. There aren't even that many plays to pick from.

I still don't understand the "get first downs" bonus either


I stopped playing od when arena started giving out rewards hate the mode it stresses me out


Quote from JBobJr >> You spend all season ploughing resources into a Captain, then EA move the goal posts. Can we have all those resources back and choose again?



Quote from JBobJr >> Quote from DBM010 >> I get that its frustrating to get you favorite captain fixed. But thats only for balancing the game better. Every ongoing online game gets nerved sometimes to make it fair for everyone.  About the captain badges spent: I only play my 3-5 OD games a day and I have over 500k Captain badges unused. Leveling another Captain up to 20 shouldn't be a huge deal for anyone playing OD  on a frequent basis (and these should be the only ones really caring about the captain changes).


Were any of the balance changes explained or just announced?

I found it pretty crazy that Andrew Luck's bonus got EASIER, as he's become a top tier captain and from experience I hit his bonus at least 90-95% of the games I play.


Quote from DBM010 >> I get that its frustrating to get you favorite captain fixed. But thats only for balancing the game better. Every ongoing online game gets nerved sometimes to make it fair for everyone.  About the captain badges spent: I only play my 3-5 OD games a day and I have over 500k Captain badges unused. Leveling another Captain up to 20 shouldn't be a huge deal for anyone playing OD  on a frequent basis (and these should be the only ones really caring about the captain changes). 

That being said I think this transmission would be smoother if EA just hands out a few Captain badges free. It wouldn't unbalance everything with this free badges but would cool down the storm a bit.


I get that its frustrating to get you favorite captain fixed. But thats only for balancing the game better. Every ongoing online game gets nerved sometimes to make it fair for everyone.  About the captain badges spent: I only play my 3-5 OD games a day and I have over 500k Captain badges unused. Leveling another Captain up to 20 shouldn't be a huge deal for anyone playing OD  on a frequent basis (and these should be the only ones really caring about the captain changes). 

That being said I think this transmission would be smoother if EA just hands out a few Captain badges free. It wouldn't unbalance everything with this free badges but would cool down the storm a bit.