Quote from mcmattyb >> Quote from boomer295 >> Oh yeah, will there be Christmas-themed music??
Please I need some new music for the main screen
disable the music.
Quote from boomer295 >> That card art is lookin’ pretty sweet.. 👀
Thanks as always for doing these!
I agree!!
Cool. 93s are really going to help against the teams of all 94s/96s we have to face now. It’s nice people could make 94s and 96s for free also.
I’m am so excited about this!! Thank you so much for picking Sean Taylor!! I had a feeling he would come but I didn’t think he’d be evo! I can keep him til the end now! Thanks again for all the hard work you guys do and keeping us informed! I look forward to the stream every morning my 3 year old daughter looks at the tv and says “football nick is on tv!” Haha 😆
Some great ideas for that promo to make it a bit different compared to the other Fields. Looking forward to it and the selection of 93 players to start the grind to get them.
Quote from boomer295 >> Oh yeah, will there be Christmas-themed music??
Since they did it for Halloween, it certainly seems likely. I hope they do add it in. It really adds to the Ultimate Freeze promo imo.
This looks really nice... Good job y’all!
I also like the freezeback idea... That Buffalo game was one of the funnest games I’ve ver watched
Quote from boomer295 >> Oh yeah, will there be Christmas-themed music??
Please I need some new music for the main screen
You need to reduce season mode to 45 secs quarter
6 mins a game + time when clock is not running makes it 9 mins game
it’s too much
If I am to spend on the field pass for UF can I expect to get what is advertised this time? I bought the rttp pass only to unlock an OD captain who does not receive bonus pts from my coach. After training this captain to level 20, I then had to resort back to a QB as my captain to take full advantage of my coach. This left the other reward from my rttp purchase sitting on my bench. Just wondering if this is going to be a fool me twice type of deal.
Messina you said on stream that they're reducing the quarter lengths for FoF seasons, but the graphic still showed the usual 1:30 quarters. Which is correct? Thanks!
For the love of Freeze, can we get a Smashmouth FB. an 87 primetime is not sufficient, with an 85 being the next highest. SM is about running the ball, which requires blocking.
Will an exchange set for top 100 be added to replace the RTTP one? Hopefully this is added tomorrow.
Quote from ickyswood >> please let AJ green be one of them ;) he would make a great flashback player
I know right I’m praying so bad. We might get lucky during the draft promo getting a John Ross grandmaster and the #1 pick. I also liked the Ochocinco card they let out last year for the ghost of madden past
Hey All,
A couple awesome MH users already posted a recap, but in case you missed the ToTW and Field of Freeze reveals, check it out here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/519633332?t=00h21m06s
We lead with Austin Eckler (Vert) Jimmy G (SM) and Joe Haden ToTW to start the stream. We then discussed SEAN TAYLOR!, the Field of Freeze Field Pass, The Season + Gauntlet coming with FoF, the NEW Sideline Pass and more. I meant to detail Freezebacks on stream and missed it, so I will do it here.
Freezeback players are essentially a Flashback to players who had great games in the snow...like LeSean McCoy in Buffalo. He's an example of a number of Freezebacks dropping with Field of Freeze!
Check it all out tomorrow at 4 PM EST!!